Monday, January 26, 2009

Will The GOP Survive?

Jay Homnick at American Spectator makes the same case that Rush has been making, vis a vis the suddenly Demo-Party-wide (including the Boy King) salvos being sent his way.

If they can marginalize Rush, painting him as divisive and extreme....even more than usual...and scare Republicans, those pansy-ass, sissies, into denying him in order not to be seen as equally extreme, they will have managed to separate the Republicans from their base, suck them into the Zero machine, use their votes for Left-leaning legislation as cover, allowing them to claim "bi-partisanship" as they drag the nation into the sewer of socialism.

It's pretty clever. As Homnick relates, they've done it before.

There is only one question. Do Republicans have any principles they will not abandon? Any backbone? Any pride? Any patriotism?

I guess we'll find out.

Of course, now that this pernicious plan has been revealed, Republicans will not have the excuse of having been duped, of being fooled. If they go down this road, they will be doing it with open eyes, and traitors' hearts.

Some say the days of the Republican Party are numbered because most elected Republicans are corrupt, self-serving reprobates who will do whatever it takes to side with the Powerful and the Popular. They think, somehow it will infect them if they just stand close enough, and pant like dogs enough. And that thereby they will retain their positions and their power and their privilege for ever and ever. Amen.

Time and again they have been taught by voters that this does not work. Even when Republican politicians don't listen to Rush (et al), the people do.

But Republican politicians are intensely stupid, and must be taught the same lesson over and over and over.

I'm not hopeful that the Republican Party has what it takes to pull through the dangerous crisis that is a Zero "Presidency" intact. Weak and tremulous as they are when dealing with the whey faced Harry Reid, I just don't see them having the strength of character to oppose the dazzling Sun King.

We need a new party. Not a "third" party. We need one that will replace the sad wreck that the GOP has become.

The Gunslinger

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