Monday, January 26, 2009

Hurry, Pass This Bill! It's an EMERGENCY!!!

I just don't understand how Democrats can do this stuff with a straight face. And I don't understand any Republican who is not jumping up and down on his desk in Congress screaming about it.

And I don't understand a Press that fails to inform the citizens about it.

And I don't understand citizens who do know about it, but aren't marching on the capitol with torches and pitchforks.

Tell your Senators and Congressman to vote this boondoggle down. Tell them you're watching.

From the Wall Street Journal. The Stimulus Time Machine.

"The stimulus bill currently steaming through Congress looks like a legislative freight train, but given last week's analysis by the Congressional Budget Office, it is more accurate to think of it as a time machine. That may be the only way to explain how spending on public works in 2011 and beyond will help the economy today.

According to Congressional Budget Office estimates, a mere $26 billion of the House stimulus bill's $355 billion in new spending would actually be spent in the current fiscal year, and just $110 billion would be spent by the end of 2010. This is highly embarrassing given that Congress's justification for passing this bill so urgently is to help the economy right now, if not sooner."

If we don't act to save our own country, we deserve what we get. Let your own bastards know how you feel.

The Gunslinger

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