Monday, January 26, 2009

Newmax Scoop?

I like Newsmax. Don't get me wrong. But I have a little problem getting breathless with anticipation over this story. Is there anyone who would buy this to find out the "details" of this blockbuster story?

"How destructive to the U.S. economy would a Barack Obama presidency be?

An exclusive Newsmax analysis warns: There could be a very rough time ahead." [emphasis mine GS]

"Exclusive"? Has any adult, anywhere come to a different conclusion?

"Obama plans to return to the failed policies of high taxation coupled with an expansion of government spending.

Worse, Obama says he is absolutely committed to almost doubling the capital gains rate — something he will easily accomplish with a Democrat Congress.

In the coming months — when investors realize that Obama will raise the cap gains rate — there could be a stampede of asset sales as investors rush to take their profits now to avoid Obama's doubling of the tax rates next year."

Now, if this was published by the New York Times, I'd read it out of sheer disbelief. But in a rag for Conservatives, doesn't this seem just a little silly...and redundant?

Just sayin'

The Gunslinger

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