"It's just a long list of spending items. Not a real economic stimulus job creation bill," It's line after line after line of favorite liberal spending programs, and it amounts to a big government bill -- not a job creation bill."Well, we're going to see just how stupid Congressional Republicans are. Today. Right now.
Zero is meeting with them to get them on board with his "stimulus" package. He and the Democrats need the Republicans for cover. When the shit hits the fan, when it's proved that this "stimulus" package made things much, much worse, he can, once again, evade responsibility for it, by claiming it was "bi-partisan".
"Not my fault. The Republicans supported it too". And he'll be right. And the Republicans won't have a leg to stand on.
I'm a graphic designer in California. I understand this. I get the strategy. I see the danger, I see the future.
Do Republican "leaders"? If they roll over on this, they are finished. And so are we. If they support this, they will defend it. For their egos, for their careers. We will have absolutely no representation in government. We will be entirely disenfranchised.
If Republican "leaders" surrender on this Pork Landslide, they are finished. Without a single principle among them that differentiates them from the Democrats, why in the world should anyone vote for them? Democrats won't because they'll take the real thing. Republicans won't because their principles will not allow it.
If Republican "leaders" cooperate with Zero on this Soviet tsunami, it will take a miracle, a generation, and their own "Messiah" to save them from the extinction they will so richly deserve.
This is their moment. To find out how they'll react under fire. To find out whether they're courageous or cowards. Whether they're winners or losers. Whether they value principles or power.
I pray they make the right choice. Because if they don't, they will have sold their souls to Zero, and made the man their master.
I've only been a Republican since 9-11. And I associate becoming one with patriotism, clarity of political thought and conservatism. And I'd hate to turn my back on those associations. But if the Republican "leaders" take the Obama road to Perdition, I will have to officially leave the party.
The Gunslinger
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