Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Power of Words

I was listening to a talk show yesterday and an insightful woman called in saying that we need to stop using the world "socialist" and use the more correct term "Soviet", because that is the path we are on.

The host, unfortunately, failed to grasp the significance of what she was saying, but it struck me like a lightning bolt.

Like any word that is used frequently, and at times, inaccurately, "socialism" has lost some of its impact. Language works like that. It works in the reverse as well. That's why the never spoken (by whites, at least)...and hardly written..."nigger" is so powerful. No one ever says it. So it rings like a gong when someone does.

Rooms go silent, birds stop singing, gasps and fainting ensue, and the earth momentarily trembles on its axis.

The power of words.

"Socialism" has lost its "nigger" factor. It's still potent to some Conservatives, who actually understand the implications. But for too many, "socialism" now means Norway. Sure, a little namby-pamby, (humiliating the Vikings) but still, not so bad. Clean, peaceful, healthy, lovely Norway, with those amazing tall, beautiful, blond people. What's not to like?

For a long time, "socialism" ...both the word and the fact were anathema to Americans, but like violence in movies, eventually one gets de-sensitized. We hear it so often, it has no impact.

There is another reason the word "socialism" isn't useful or effective for Conservatives. It is too general, and means too many different things. If, when I say "socialism" I'm thinking of Stasi-terrorized East Germany, and you're thinking of the South of France, we're not communicating.

But there is no argument, no mistake, no misleading variety, no happy connotations associated with "Soviet". Even if the Liberals wanted to, they cannot rehabilitate that word.

"Soviet" is what it is and means what it means. And what it conjures up is ugly, harsh, gray, dreariness; violent repression, oppression, secret police, gulags, political prisons, spying, censorship, bad cars, shortages, alcoholism, the KGB, thick-necked slavs in outdated suits, the Kremlin. 50 years of the Cold War did its work admirably.

Everyone in America gets this same almost involuntary mental picture. (Well, except, maybe, Bill Ayers and his old lady, who see Candyland and rainbows.)

We can use this. For once, popular culture...all those cool spy movies, novels and TV shows...have handed us a ready made tool, a vocabulary that evokes emotional responses we want. "Soviet" = "Evil".

It has gotten to the point that we have to actually explain to (cretinous liberal) people why "socialism" is bad. We simply don't have time for that...not at the record breaking speed at which Zero is planning his "American Makeover". We need words that communicate the horror of what he and the Dhimmicrats are doing immediately, without "nuance" and without confusion.

"Soviet" fits that bill perfectly.

From now on, I'm substituting "soviet" or "soviet style" for "socialist" in the blog, personal conversations, letters to the Editor, and in communications with my representatives. I'll be interested to see the response.

The Gunslinger


  1. GS... good post..

    Your comparison of the word soviet to nigger reminded me of a joke.

    An ant comes home from school all beat up.

    His mom says... "HONEY!! what happened to you???"

    The little ant said... I was on my way home from school and a gang of chiggers jumped me and beat me up.

    His mom looked at him and said.. "How many times have I told you...
    its not chiggers.. its chegroes..."

    Ha Ha..


  2. I'm not sure it's legal to laugh at that now.


  3. And....

    I'm not sure that ain't comin'.

    Remember the guy who got fired from some prestigious job because he used the word "niggardly"?

    Certain people...were too stupid to know what it meant, and "were offended".

    And, instead of mocking their ignorance, the craven powers that be punished the speaker.

    Through. The. Looking. Glass.
