Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Could the Republican's Be Holding Out??

It's still early, but the House Republicans seem to be standing firm against the Leftist Wet-Dream Spending Spree they're calling a "stimulus" package.*

I may throw away the voter re-registration form I downloaded yesterday.

It won't make any difference in terms of the passage of this atrocity, but at least Zero won't get away with pretending it's "bi-partisan" when it destroys the economy under a crush of debt—and grows the government to unprecedented levels of power, control, interference, and regulation of persons and businesses.

It ain't much. But it's better than seeing the Republicans completely roll over. And we can spend the next 3 years, 11 months, and 22 days attacking him for this stupid, bloated, destructive, anti-American, anti-liberty, anti-capitalist monstrosity.

*"The biggest spending bill in the history of the world." John Kyle (R. Senate AZ)

The Gunslinger

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