Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wolves Have Feelings Too, and Guns

Remember my contention that if Zero and the Democrats try to silence Conservative Talk Radio, they will prove beyond a doubt that they are Fascists?

Well, the first serious volley in that offensive has been fired. Zero's attack on Rush Limbaugh, and the attendant hysterical coverage by the Slobbering Media (thanks Bernie) about his desire to see Zero's Soviet agenda "fail"...are trying to accomplish two things.

1) Making Rush and Conservative Talk Radio into "The Problem". Painting them as out-of-the-mainstream obstructionists, who are irresponsibly stirring up trouble for Mr. Moderate and the Me-Toos, forcing them to deal with dissent, objections, opposing views and an intolerable lack of respect for their superior understanding and their Gaia-given, divine right to rule.

2) Distracting attention from the sneaky, under cover of darkness, slime stealth attack on the American Way of Life, by the new "President" and his posse of traitors and useful idiots...represented this week by the Pork Package/Bloated Spending Spree they insist on calling a "stimulus package".

I don't know how we're going to stop them, they are not listening. No amount of calls or emails will change the minds of these they goose-step to Perdition in the shadow of their Beloved Leader.

Zero has made it clear by his singling out Rush Limbaugh that he has every intention of silencing dissent. Liberal Soviet Fascism is on the horizon. And an election may not be enough to turn the tide.

The Leftist Wet-Dream Spending Spree they're calling a "stimulus" package will put us all so far in debt, give so much power to government, create such restrictions on private and business behvior, waste so much money, fund so much junk science, advance so many Leftist special interests, and even fund Leftist political further undermine our Republic...that we the people will never be able to fix it working within the political process.

We are taking that step too far....beyond the realm where Liberty and Republics thrive.

A few years ago, I thought I was living in the first stages of the decline of the American Rome. And while I wanted to stop the degeneration, I was grateful that I lived while we were at the height of our brilliance, power, prosperity.

I had no idea that within just a couple of years, the greatest nation on the face of the earth, and in the history of the world would have accordioned the life span of a weakening state into a moment, and would be facing imminent collapse by the barbarians within...far more insidious and dangerous than those from without.

Yet, here we are. With Zero and his mates chewing down the buildings as fast as they can. I wonder if they understand the final destination of a barbarous people? Do they think that they alone are predators?

I see their pulsing throats, I see their soft bellies, I smell the blood on their hands.

They have released the hounds on the nation. And their howling has awakened the wolves. And we're really, really pissed.

The Gunslinger


  1. "Otomatons" - clever pun or typo?

  2. Indeed, pretty clever wordplay.

  3. So....
    Looks like us sheepdogs have been forced out into the we become wolves because they've made it clear they don't want any sheepdogs...

  4. Mjolnir, I did struggle with the symbolism there...but yes, I think it's too late to be Sheepdogs, which implies defending the sheep.

    But it's the sheep that wrought this disaster. It is their bleating stupidity that embraced this false shepherd. They have shunned us. They would force us to be sheep.

    Fuck 'em.

    Let them get what they've got coming. I have no sympathy.

    I've had it.

    I used to think we had to "dialogue" with those who didn't "get it". Now I just want to close ranks with those who do.

    They have made us wolves and outlaws. So be it.
