Does anyone believe that the advice of the Slobbering Media, offered for free to the Republican Party, to become "more moderate" is a good faith effort to "help" the GOP?
Can we please recognize it for what it is? The attempt to water down the winning message of Conservativism...the one thing that scares the Media and the Progressives to death.
Can we please not give the slightest notice? It doesn't matter what the Zombies think, or whether they take this subject seriously. It only matters that we don't. And that Republicans re-discover and cleave to our originalist, constitutional, Conservative principles, and purge the Party of those who don't.
The anti-Conservative nonsense sucking the oxygen out of network studios, the left-wing blogosphere and what few functioning newspaper editorial offices there are left is just so much background noise that sensible people would be wise to ignore.
Nothing...I repeat, nothing that the clown babies known as the mainstream media have to say can be remotely relevant to the reformation of the Republican Party. Their interests are served by destroying it. And that is what their opinions and advice are intended to do.
Nothing they say will help us. And if we don't engage them, nothing they say will hurt us. The Zombies already drinking the Kool-Aid don't have sufficient brain-power to understand our message, or sufficient character to live by our principles. And those are the only ones buying the Moonbat Media bullshit.
The rest of us are looking for real American Leadership away from the Internationalist, Socialist, World-Government, Fascist, Progressive agenda, and back to traditional American values. All the Republicans have to do is be Real Americans.
It's just not that complicated.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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