Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Put Me on the List!

Though I'm busy getting ready for the local Tea Party, I caught this on American Spectator and thought you'd like it. Thought Crime Redux.

I'm sure you've heard about Janet Napolitano's Homeland Security Report by now. You know, the ones that makes everyone here a Right Wing Extremist?

I especially loved the part about "hoarding ammunition"....duh, yup.....

If you're anti-big-brother government, anti-abortion, anti-illegal immigration, anti-taxes, pro-god, pro-guns, pro-American traditional are clearly an enemy of the State.

Well I've said that enough times....where have these assholes been?

I love my country. America is my Ideal idea. But the State is a blood-sucking leeching LOOTER, that seeks to enslave all free people, and benefit the incompetent at the expense of the competent. It seeks to break people's spirit by rewarding failure and punishing success. It seeks to instigate hate between the races and between the producers and the parasites. The government is the enemy of the people.

The State is not the solution; the State is the problem.

And government must be returned to the people. And the self-engorging, scabrous vampires currently running it must be turned out into the gutter where they belong.

We must stand up and take our country back.

I pray I have made myself perfectly clear.

You may quote me, Comrade Napolitano*. I will be proud to appear on your "Watch List". That is the only place for patriots to be!

The Gunslinger

P.S. What the hell happens to people named "Janet"?


  1. Just another in a long line of "educated" idiots...just like the Hollywood/TV idiots who,in the 90's,repetively created tripe (like "Arlington Road",Law and Order episodes,etc.)which depicted the "threat to Security" as coming from the so-called Right....then,9/11,etc. happened.Whoops!!! "We won't allow Reality to intrude on our Bubbleworld,will we?" These incompetent losers do NOT know who they're fucking with,just as they haven't a clue as to the real Enemy is.The sad thing is that they will cause immense suffering because of their idiocy.Strike that...they already,is that a reference to Reno?

  2. lowandslowpony17/4/09 7:49 PM

    My wish for Janet.....I wish your face would catch on fire and Smokey the bear would put it out with his shovel.

  3. William Wallace21/4/09 3:26 PM

    Its not a watch list...its a comin for you list!!!!!!!!!!!
