Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh Crap!

I hate it when Victor Davis Hanson does this. Mostly because he's always right.

President of the World; National Review

Batten down the hatches, boys. It's worse than we thought.

I can't decide whether I'm glad I'm not Israel....or wish I were, freed as they will be, by the imminent threat of their demise—in the face of apocalyptic, genocidal, death-cult lunatics with nuclear-bombs—to discard all pretense of civilized behavior, and just go fucking medieval on the bastards.

Obama will apologize for them, of course.

The Gunslinger


  1. Sounds great to me.

    The current administration is composed of people with a psychotic desire to spend every waking moment trying to control the universe to justify their existance. It's that god complex warned about in all those fairy tales their parents were too preoccupied to read them.

    It's no coincidence that now that the stimlus checks have started to quiet opponents at the local level, gun control and right wing extremeists are making the news.

    The more problems these people face the better. If that means problems in the blue bubbles or Europe all I can say is Karma. Crisis can work both ways.
