Thursday, March 05, 2009

Even Just Three States

The other day on television, Glenn Beck jokingly talked about splitting the country in 25 states to the Leftists, and 25 to the Conservatives—creating two separate countries.

When I brought that same idea up the first time, a couple of months ago, I was flummoxed about how you'd do the split, because the Liberals are pretty much concentrated on the coasts, and in the big (broken down, bankrupt, failing) cities, and you'd end up with pretty weird configurations of "countries"....even non-contiguous areas belonging to each.

But Glenn made a great point: It doesn't matter how we divide it up. In fact, he said, just let the Leftists choose the 25 states they want. And we'll take the rest.

In two years, we will have a thriving economy and the Leftists will have a failing state.

This is not just idle speculation. It's already been done. It's exactly what happened in Germany when it was separated into East & West after WWII.

East Germany, remember, was the Socialist model of prosperity, equality and social justice. And it's just what Obama is burning down our Republic to recreate.

How about we let the Leftists and Obamatons have their wish? And leave them to their fate, while we turn the desert into a garden, and turn Detroit into a thriving metropolis.

In truth, even if we ended up with only 10 states or five, or even three...we'd thrive and prosper while they looked on from their profitless, energy starved, lightless, hungry, cold perch of inflated self-righteousness.

(That's such a diverting and pleasant mental image, I admit.)

Of course, our country wouldn't remain the size of three states for long. The clamor for annexation by the populations of contiguous areas would be deafening.

And our biggest problem would probably be "illegal immigration"...of former citizens of the United States of America sneaking into our little corner of the world from the Leftist "paradise".

If things keep going the way they're going, and Obama and his crew keeps doing what they're doing, I'm not sure I see any other "peaceful" solution.

This is way radical, almost insane solution. Unthinkable. Absurd. Ridiculous.. But what choice do we have, who refuse to live under the tyranny that is being ruthelessly constructed as I type this?

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. One problem, How do I sell my house to move there? No one in their right mind would move to the left states. . .
