Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Up in Smoke

Just in case you missed it. Federal cigarettes taxes are going up to $6.00 a carton. From 39¢ to $1.00 per pack.

"For the children."

Since they're going to need something like 24 million more smokers to actually cover the costs of this vastly expanded Schip Program, I'm not sure exactly what their strategy is.

How do you balloon funding for something by shrinking the funding pool?

Some smokers will quit. Some will cut down. Some will buy black-market smokes. Some will die. Along with the government's aggressive anti-smoking programs this pretty much guarantees that the number of taxed packs of cigarettes will continually decrease.

These people aren't really good at "long-term planning" are they?

As a smoker, I'm furious. But fuck, what else is new?

And by the way, the coverage will include some families who make $100,000 a year. I don't make that much, but I get the privilege of paying for their health care.

And while signing this, Zero proudly told us all, "it's just the first step" in his plan in providing universal health care.

I guess he really, honestly doesn't know that nearly 50% of Americans don't actually want it. Or maybe he does, and just doesn't give a shit.
The Gunslinger


  1. This is just the thin end of the wedge. Guess what - next comes:

    1. Triple the excise taxes on alcoholic beverages.

    2. Punitive taxes on "gas-guzzlers" (eg, my jeep) and "fatty foods". (but damn - I love BBQ ribs!)

    3. VAT taxes on private or home schools...
    Mom, apple pie, on-and-on.

    This is what the nanny-state is all about. The O-vulator has already said it: "We are ALL going to pitch in."

    PS: Me, too. They will peel my Marlboros from my cold, dead, etc.


  2. Robert, I've been so frustrated because non-smokers didn't understand my anger...because they didn't smoke, and it didn't affect them.

    And I've been so frustrated with non-bikers who didn't care about helmet laws, because they didn't ride a motorcycle and it didn't affect them.

    And people who didn't mind the seatbelt laws, because they figured it DID make people safer...

    And the draconian "drunk" driving laws, which makes a person who has a single drink, drunk, and a criminal...

    and on, and on, and on...

  3. You could move here.... you don't have to wear a helmet to ride a motorcycle, but you DO have to wear one to ride a bicycle. /boggle.
