Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Goodbye Sweet America

The American Public, in their infinite wisdom, have chosen this brilliant team as the leaders of the Congress...in one of the most critical and dangerous moments in our history.

To every Democrat who voted for these morons: You're an idiot.

To every Republican who didn't bother to vote: You're an idiot.

And we ALL got what YOU deserve.

Thanks a bunch.

The Gunslinger


  1. A bad day for democracy and common sense. I'll never understand the lefty mentality, they are from another planet.

  2. I swear, I'm going to build a walled compound—in the wilds of some largely empty and solidly Conservative State—with gun turrets and vicious dogs.

    I can't see any other way to get away from the psychos.

    'Course, it didn't work out very well for David Koresh...

  3. So what is the point of having armed citizens?

    If the FBI and ATF can attack and destroy a compound occupied by women and children and murder them all...what is the point?

    They get away with it every time!

  4. My only (and unsatisfactory) answer is that was an outrage and an anomaly—perpetrated by the adored Bill Clinton's Liberal administration.

    Nevertheless, you are perfectly right...they got away with it!

    As many people became new gun owners because of that episode as because of 9-11, I bet.

    And the scandal and fury it engendered will give pause to any future Attorney General who might consider such action.

    But there's no getting around it, those people are still dead.
