Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Pope and the Prophet

The University of Minnesota won't cancel a play that offends Catholics; that insults the Pope. They claim: "Academic Freedom." Basically, I think that's a good thing. I'm not fond of censorship or prior restraint.

However, let's watch and see if, when the opportunity presents itself, " Academic Freedom" will prevent them from cancelling a play that offends Muslims; that insults the Prophet.

What are the odds?

The Gunslinger


  1. The odds are non-existant, Muslims are a law unto themselves.

    Every infidel should know that!

  2. Indeed. And the pansies who run the universities are all tough and chesty talk and when attacking Christians who won't burn down their buildings and murder people when offended...

    They're such brave "free speech" advocates. Standing up courageously in the face of absolutely no danger.

    A petulant Muslim teenage girl will have them quivering in fear and wetting their pants.

  3. Anonymous,

    Your syntax implies that your mother is a lesbian. ( And "who" should be "whom" in this instance—objective case, don't you know.)

    But I suspect that you were actually trying to insult me.

    You should probably get a handle on the language before you lob what you consider rhetorical bombs.

    Oh, and you probably ought to grow up and realize that only playground bullies would consider that an insult.

    So in two sentences you have revealed yourself to be an illiterate homophobic third grader.

    Nice work.
