Thursday, November 02, 2006

Other Views on Kerry's Insult

"...The interpretation that Kerry’s remark was solely and specificly referencing the troops was the same interpretation taken by a liberal blogger who blogged the event at 1:03 in the morning after attending it and hearing the entire speech in context, hours before the controversy blossomed. it was also the interpretation of the Pasadena Star reporter who covered the event...

Because the remark is intrinsically insulting, it is being considered as if it were a malicious wisecrack....but the remark wasn’t meant as a wisecrack. it was meant as a bitter pill formulated to spur the audience to moral action - to strengthen education as an alternative to the predatory lure of recruiters.

This is exactly how it was interpreted by the progressive blogger attending the event, progressive posters in the YouTube thread, progressive posters in various townhall threads, etc.

The mutually reenforcing conceits that military recruits are intellectually subpar and that the military is the leading predator of our nation’s stupid ...are comfortably shared amongst progressives.

jummy on November 2, 2006 at 1:01 AM"

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"IMHO, this is a no brainer.

Lurch was speaking to students who he knows mostly have a poor perception of military service. It might be that he was supposed to make a joke at the Presidents expense, but I am certain that he felt that smearing our Heroes would go down better with these students, and thus he played to their prejudices.

Show me where he has encouraged students to sign up for military service, show me where he has spoken of all of the great experiences that he had as a serviceman, show me anything where he shines a positive light on our Military and I might change my mind. As Flipper has a looong history of maligning our Heroes I doubt that anyone can find such instances.

Democrats, in general, do not understand the military. They look at them as torturers, rapists, and believe that the only way to fix it is to get women, and gentler types drafted to serve. Indeed, as they have tried to make our military a great social experiment they have harmed it to no small degree, and that is just another reason why democrats must not be allowed to run America.

DannoJyd on November 2, 2006 at 6:52 AM"

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"...he wasn’t speaking to the vast majority of Americans. He was speaking to students who are well known to be prejudiced against our military. Think about that, and look at Flippers history of bashing our troops. Does it now seem so unlikely?

DannoJyd on November 2, 2006 at 7:00 AM"

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