Thursday, November 02, 2006

Disgraced University of Pennsylvania

The picture on the left is Saad Saadi, dressed as an Islamofacist Terrorist Suicide Bomber at a Halloween Party at the home of the President of the University of Pennsylvania with said President, Amy Gutmann. That she is a disgrace and a clueless idiot is a given. That she still has a job is appalling.

The second picture is of Saad Saadi reading the Koran over a "hostage".

Isn't that fun? Gosh those wild and crazy kids!

Apparently Gutmann doesn't see anything questionable about this choice of costume while we are at war with Islamofacist her broad smile demonstrates.

You think she'd be grinning if he was dressed up as a Right-To-Life Protester?

Or would that just be too offensive and innapropriate?

I don't know much about it, but isn't Gutmann a Jewish name? It just makes me even crazier. WTF is WRONG with this woman?

Mind you, the kid is a total stupid jerk...but stupid jerk kids do stupid jerk things. Adults are supposed to know better. He should have been told to go home and change. Instead, the President of the University poses...ugh. I just can't take it.

The Gunslinger

If you're in the mood to "share" your feelings on the subject:

The email address for the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania is

Office of the President
100 College Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6380
(ph) 215-898-7221
(fx) 215-898-9659


  1. At least in the 'US' guns are legal...if they were legal over here, that tosser would have a hole where his mouth used to be..and as for the silly tart....I wouldn't waste a bullet!

  2. Gutmann's response to all this"I didn't notice the costume until after the picture was taken". When caught in a pickle, Just lie!

    I fear for all our futures.

  3.'s such an obscure sort of getup. I can see why she didn't recognize it right away...I mean, there are so many possibilities...what with the suicide vest and all...

    Gag me.
