Thursday, November 16, 2006

9th Circuit Court - Through the Looking Glass

An article by George Will about the death penalty and the 9th Circuit.

It's interesting but a little dry. However it contains THIS gem of a decision from the 9th Circuit in San Francisco. If it doesn't leave you speechless with despair at the depths of stupidity to which Liberal Activist Judges have fallen, you're a hopeless case, and I hope you don't vote.

Belmontes' lawyer calls Monday's decision ``an unwelcome setback'' but cites ``other issues,'' such as the quality of Belmontes' trial lawyer, that the 9th Circuit did not address. Well, there is, it seems, always a next time.

The Supreme Court recently heard arguments in another death penalty case. The question at issue is: Jim Studer and his parents wore a button featuring a photograph of Studer's brother during the San Jose trial of the man who murdered him 12 years ago. A circuit court's three-judge panel, divided 2-1, reversed the conviction, arguing that the button interfered with the defendant receiving a fair trial because the button enunciated the ``specific message'' that the murdered man was ``the innocent party'' and that the defendant was ``guilty.''

The circuit court was the 9th. The author of that opinion was Reinhardt. Tidying up after it, and him, is steady work.

I wonder if the voters who pulled the lever for Nancy Pelosi leadership thought about this Liberal legacy of judges? Good luck with that.

The Gunslinger

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