Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Kerry Needs to Keep Quiet and Out of Sight

Here is John Kerry, supporting the troops.

"You know, education--if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Call me crazy, but calling someone a loser moron just doesn't sound supportive to me. I think we finally got an accidental glimpse of truth from Mr. War Hero. This is a clear and unambiguous attack on the caliber, character and quality of our fighting men in Iraq.

The man is a malignancy.

I can't wait to see the Demo "spin" on this venemous blunder.

Update: He released this when people took exception to the above statement. This is Mr. Windsurfer pretending he's got stones. If it wasn't so pathetic, it'd be funny. Note, please, it's all about Bush! Yep, he calls the troops losers and hosers, and in explanation he attacks the President.

This clown REALLY needs to fire his consultants.

The Gunslinger


  1. I don't know a great deal about American politics but I do know Kerry got his arse kicked by Bush.

    Maybe he's just bitter, the left never forget a defeat at the polls, they think they have a divine right to win.

  2. Yep,that's Kerry again attacking his own countrymen,what a creepy wimpy guy he is.

    He reminds me of the school snitch,trying to get ahead by always crying, "i'm telling".

  3. shows how intelligent that fool is,coming to the conclusion that all soldiers are poorly educated,very well thought out that theory was,politicians eh,do they really evolve on Earth?.

  4. WTF is that guy thinking?

    Does he not realize that he just alienated himself and set up his constituents to take a fall in the upcoming election?

    Please visit Renegade's BS

  5. Kerry is a comical clueless aristocrat. He doesn't understand how stupid he is...because he lives in a bubble of money and privilege.

    Fact is, our "dummy" President had a higher grade point average than John Kerry in college. It's been published. Yet, Kerry continues to call Bush stupid. You gotta wonder...?

    Kerry continues to say stupid things...and while Bush does mangle the language he's never said anything he's had to apologize for...so who's the stupid one?

    Not to mention Bush is a two term elected president...and Kerry is a boneheaded has-been.

    Kerry's idiocy and past, and arrogance lost the White House for the Democrats in 2004. And if we're lucky, he's just pissed-off enough moderates and independents to vote Republican, and hand the Demos their asses again.

  6. Welcome, Renegade...nice of you to stop by.
