Friday, October 20, 2006

Economics 101

As a percentage of our GDP, current "war spending" is paltry. (Click chart to enlarge.)

Of course the Democrats are liars so they won't admit it, and the Journalism school graduates working in the MSM can't tell a farthing from a fatwa, so you won't hear it from them.

Can the Liberal AND Conservative hysteria of "spending ourselves into bankruptcy" please cease and desist? In just the tiniest of nods to Planet Reason?

The Gunslinger
(Who understands the advanced mathematical concept of "percentage")


  1. It's not just the absolute relative (to GDP, for example) level of expenditures that is the concern. It is what the money is being used for, i.e. a war that many do not see as a needed or justified next step in the 'War on Terror', as well as the opportunity cost -- what else might be done with the money.

    Also, given that the federal government is still running a sizable deficit, another concern is also the pushing of these costs onto future generations.

  2. It's not just the absolute relative...

    This should read 'absolute or relative'.

  3. anonymous--

    Well, yes, but my point was rather narrower, specifically in response to the drumbeat of "HOW MUCH THE WAR IS COSTING US" and the constant quoting of dollar amounts without context.

    There are certainly other concerns. But that is separate discussion.

    As for the deficit, we might start by trimming waste, pork and corruption to save a buck here and there!
