Friday, October 20, 2006

CNN: Al Jazeera West

CNN apparently believes that if it gives aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war, and calls itself "neutral", people will respect their "journalistic objectivity".

Sooooo, if I rob a bank and call myself a charitable organization accepting donations, does that mean I can apply for tax-exempt status, and expect to be praised for my altruism?

They have accepted a video of an enemy sniper shooting an American soldier. A video made by that enemy for the purposes of propaganda. They sent it to CNN, who, with full knowledge of the offensive horror of the subject matter, and the sharp desire of the enemy that it be broadcast, happily and promptly complied with the enemy.

CNN has finally stepped over the cliff. They no longer understand that some things are actually wrong.

They think in Newspeak, not English:

They pretentiously call themselves neutral. But "neutral", like "disinterested" means that someone has no legitimate stake in a conflict or outcome. But CNN, being an American Corporation, by definition, has a stake. That they choose to aid and comfort the enemy by broadcasting their propaganda with no moral compunction or feeling of guilt does not make them "Neutral" (Newspeak), it makes them TRAITORS! (English).

Is there NOTHING so low, so heinous, so treasonous that it's considered beyond the pale anymore?

Rightwing Nuthouse has a good post about this. And you can read CNN's sorry, self-serving excuse for its pandering via a link from there.

I just can't quite get myself to soil this blog by linking directly to CNN. I'd never feel clean again. As far as I'm concerned, they are radioactive.

The Gunslinger


  1. I've just stumbled upon your blog and I'm intrigued. I will be visiting it often and I am going to link you to my blog. Your straight-forward libertarianism/conservatism is refreshing. Keep up the good work.


  2. Welcome Spencer! Thanks for the kind words and the support. Look forward to seeing you here.

    I'll reciprocate the link, of course!

  3. The BBC are just as bad,if not worse,it is a written clause within their rules that they remain unbiased towards any cause or group,yeh right,they are practically up every other ethnic groups arse except their own race,in other words we are evil,others are not,now repent because we are evil,racist,warmongering Brits.IT`S A CORRUPT ESTABLISHMENT!.

  4. Oh Yes, the BBC has the same reputation here, among Conservatives.

    The problem is, they don't know the difference between "objective" and "neutral".

    Objective means you describe without editorializing.

    Neutral means you don't have a stake in the situation or event.

    No "news" organization in the history of journalism has ever been "neutral" when their country was a war, though they all tried to be "objective" in their reporting.

    It's a disease: Librosy.

  5. With more and more people turning to the internet the MSM will find it more and more difficult to peddle their lefty propaganda bulls**t.

    That's if Big Bro doesn't start censoring the internet, as I strongly suspect. Already certain right-wing websites have been banned in the UK, whats the situation across the pond?

    BBC = Blatantly Biased Commies.

  6. Same in Canada,the CBC pretends to be
    unbiased but is so far left it is unwatchable,enemies good, everyone else bad!

  7. Hi, Harbinger! Nice to see you!
    Hi, BFB...well, in the same way the 2nd Amendment prohibits the outright banning of guns, the First prohibits the outright censoring or banning of speech. The courts have already made the mistake of equating all sorts of "expression" with the "Right to Free Speech", like various incredibly offensive works of "art", signage, parades of neo-nazis in Jewish neighborhoods...that sort of thing. So there's a lot of established precedent. And while not so well known, there are a few legal organizations that are the mirror image of our ACLU, (dirty Liberal bastards), who watchdog the encroachment of OUR Side's rights.

    But that doesn't mean that individual companies, schools, and other large organizations, big media owners can't refuse to accept certain ads, show certain stories, or host certain websites. But the GOVERNMENT is gonna have a hard time doing it legally.

    And in the finaly analysis, if there's a market, someone wil fill it. That's exactly why there is a FOX News Network.

    Even though there is a very loud, loony, left wing fringe (Called the Democratic Party), at last half of the electorate are Republicans, i.e. far more conservative. The MSM is losing is dominance, its grip and its mind. Just yesterday there were announcements of major lay-offs of employees at more metro newspapers, because people aren't reading them.

    CNN, which used to be THE name in 24 hour news, has never recovered from the ratings bleed that the appearance of FOX caused. They've been laughable for a long they're radioactive.

    It's even likely that it is their desperation to generate "heat" for themselves that caused them to play this filth.

    In America, the MSM still lives in dreams of their "glory days" when they ran the world, determined the news agenda, controlled output.

    Almost none have adapted well, and most are hemmorraging money and readers/viewers. That's why you hear so much hatred expressed at FOX...Murdock saw a need, and filled it. And it cracked the monolithic monopoly of the Left Wing propagandists.

    In the main, they still control the OLD MEDIA, and many still trust them. They won't be disappearing any time soon, but the influence and power of OLD MEDIA is definitely declining, simply because they've been found to be frauds and manipulators by so many people.

    At this point, the MARKET rules...and unless somebody repeals the First Amendment, it should remain that way.

    The mood is bad right now for Republicans in this election. And there are a lot of reasons for it...but it is NOT as the Dems would like to believe, a wave of voter abandonment of conservaive principles and a conversion to the Left.

    If nothing else, llegal immigration and the Muslim threat are moving people to the right. And it think that's the long-term trend.

    And the market and smart media will follow.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What's funny or sad is,when i'm talking to people and I mention Fox News,it's like I slapped them in the face.They say things like,"it's so biased,so pro Bush,I would'nt watch that station". The thing is,where we are you have to pay for the channel it's on cable,it's extra $..
    I really doubt they have ever seen it!

  10. Harbinger, I hate to admit this, but when I was a Liberal, I "hated" Rush Limbaugh...without ever having heard his voice.

    I simply believed what I was told about him by the people I respected, and never even bothered to check it out for myself.

    I don't know why Liberals are like that. But I know they are because I WAS one. It's a disease. Some sort of--

    1) adolescent self-righteous conviction that you are fully informed and entirely right, or

    2) utter fear that if you hear a dissenting voice, your pretty world of utopian dreams may come apart in your hands.

    Perhaps it's a little of both.

    But knowing that as I do, I almost never engage Liberals. They are entirely ignorant of anything beyond their "talking points". Argument is useless. It always degenerates into them cursing and name-calling. They are unprepared for discourse or debate, because they are utterly unaware of the opposition's position.

    That's why the Liberals are constantely shouting "Liar!" "Corruption!", "Voter Fraud!". They have no other argument. They attack people's characters rather than their positions, they deal in slime rather than ideas. They bribe voters with favors rather than inspire them with ideals.

    Talking to them is a pointless exercise. They have to be hit over the head by circumstances. The tsunami of illegals into our country and the increasingly maleficent face of Islam is serving the same function as getting mugged for some of them.

    You've heard the old joke right? "A Conservative is a Liberal who's been mugged"

    Because they are so resistant to persuasion, they have to be assaulted by circumstances before they come to their senses.

    For me...the assault was 9/11...the Manhattan Massacre. For others even that wasn't enough.

