Friday, July 24, 2015

First Responders

There seems to be some confusion about the role of "First Responders" and what they actually do.

First Responders are:


Responders come to the scene after a disaster.

They do not PREVENT disasters.

The confusion arises from the common motto of Police Departments: "To Protect and Serve". Regular folks expect the police to "Protect" what might be called a "Pro-Active" way; when, in fact, the role of the police is almost entirely "Re-Active", responding to something that's already happened.

See, it's right there in the name: "RESPONDERS".

Responders respond, Protectors protect, the responders show up after there are dead people.

What people expect of the police is actually the mission of a Security Team: to prevent disasters.

Some rich people, famous people, important people, elected people have security teams.

Regular folks don't. It's up to each of us to be our own "Security Team".

And that's just what Ă˜bama and the progs will prevent us from doing if they can get their way.

Just look at what they're doing to the military recruiters....


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