Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Way to Peace...

Well, now that I've gotten that out of my system (see previous post), let me give you my idea of what we should be doing regarding "ISIS" and the all other threats from the Middle East.

1) We should arm Israel to the teeth and strengthen our "mutual aid" agreement.

2) We should ignore whatever ISIS does when they do it to other muslims. None of our business. Don't care.

We should attack them like the Crusades when they do it to Christians or Jews.

3) We should make sure they have no presence on the American Created Internet. There is no excuse for them to be able to upload anything anywhere anytime.

Are you listening Twitter? YouTube? Google? Facebook? Instagram? et al? etc?

Refuse these barbarians a platform. If they want to go on an internet, let them invent one.

4) No trade whatsoever with an islamic state.

If we can do without their oil, by drilling our own, let them keep theirs. Crude, that they can't even refine, won't do them much good. They'll be back on camels in no time.
If we decide we do need their oil, we should do a full scale invasion, conquer the natives, killing as many as necessary to pacify the rest, take the oil, colonize and rule the country. (Hey, it worked to civilize India...)

5) Freeze all islamic bank/financial accounts, businesses, investments in the West and confiscate all the money. Put it in a trust for later distribution to any Western* victims of islamic crimes/terrorism, and/or to further guarantee the permanently superior strength of our militiaries.

5) Throw every muslim out of the West*. Out of Europe and the Americas, out of Australia, Canada, New Zealand. Whether they are native born or immigrant. The only way for them to stay: Renounce islam entirely and eternally.

6) Raze all mosques in the West*...see above list. Anyone that wants to practice the Satanic Death Cult of islam can go to the islamic cult permitted states of the Middle East and practice it all day long. With our blessing. Have a nice day.

7) Withdraw entirely from islamic countries - no trade, no business, no embassies, no charity, no medicine, no food. No steel, no rubber, no arms, no cell phones, no computers, no tractors, no cars, no trucks, no tires, no motors. Let them make their own.

They want to live in the 7th century. Let's support that.

Let them slaughter each other in the name of allah. We can watch. I'll buy the popcorn.

8) The moment they venture outside their designated (arbitrarily determined by us) "Middle Eastern Islam Permitted Area", slaughter as many as necessary to force them to retreat back inside their enclosure.

Rinse and Repeat until they learn that the only way for them to survive, is to stay in their pen, out of our way, out of our lands, out of our history, out of our lives...


...until we've killed them all. (i.e. KIILLED our way out of this war...)

Which is cool. Either way...

Peace at Last

Have I missed anything?


*Russia, the Far East and various island groups may want to join us.

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