Wednesday, February 18, 2015


"We can't kill our way out of this war"...

The dim, bespectacled mouthpiece of Øbama actually said this.

Here it is again....


Just looks and sounds more stupid every time you read it, right?

Marie Harf is the pathetic douchester who spoke those words right out loud... other human beings...who speak English, and could actually understand her...

And she didn't even blush.

You know, just when you think the Øbama Infestation cannot sink any lower, cannot look any more stupid, cannot display any further uncanny ability to miss the point, and misread the situation....they manage to surprise.

One is almost struck dumb by the enormity (in both senses of the word) of the Øbama cabal's ignorance, arrogance and monumental fecklessness.

The Harf bimbo sounded like a empty-headed beauty queen bloviating about "world peace".

It's hard to believe that we have fallen so far, so fast, that these pre-teen mentalities are running/ruining America.


*Every winning general in the history of the world is turning over in his grave.

‡General Patton is climbing out of his to come and strangle this birdbrain and the halfwit she speaks for.

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