May I reiterate a point I made a bit ago?
Maybe it's the drone white paper. Killing Americans willy-nilly because some "highly informed" political official deems them dangerous, or it's too "burdensome" for government to get, you know, judicial or Congressional review...
Progressives will always end up mass murdering their fellow citizens.
Let me say that again.
The only exceptions are those that are blessedly removed from office before they are able to gather enough power to execute such orders.
Progressives are collectivists are socialists are communists are tyrants & dictators.
When I say the names Stalin, Hitler, Mao, today's Progressive apologists say something like, "Oh, they were monsters, OUR progressives-collectivists-socialists-communists aren't doing that!"
Well, Stalin didn't do it either. Until he could. Then he did.
Lenin didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Hitler didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Pol Pot didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Castro didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Che Guevera didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Mao didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Ho Chi Min didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Kim Jong Il didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Woodrow Wilson didn't do it, because there was that pesky Constitution, that back then, people actually believed in. (Trust me. It's the only reason he didn't.) He DID put people in prison for speaking out against the war or his government. Because he could.
Franklin Roosevelt didn't do it. But he did put thousands of Americans into concentration camps. Because he could.
Barack Ă˜bama's just starting slow. He's picking off individual fellow-citizens in other countries. (And, of course, anyone else who happens to get caught in the line of fire.) Because he can.
Can he? Are we really going to allow that? Are we really going to permit this?
It's a law of nature.
It's the logical conclusion of their way of thinking.
In the beginning a progressive will lie, cheat, steal, destroy, smear, ruin, in order to force his vision of "utopia" down the throats of people who don't want it. Because he believes he knows better than they.
A progressive will continue to use the same tactics throughout his life. What others want or prefer means nothing to him. He has decided what's best for others and will move the world to make sure it is imposed upon them.
As his power increases, his tactics become more overt, aggressive and violent.
And of course, any threat to his power is a threat to the "good of the collective" and the Utopian dream. And it must be mercilessly snuffed out for the good of all.
In order to impose his will on everyone else, it is necessary to rule them all with a iron fist. And ultimately the only way to do that is to use extreme violence.
And there will always be some troublesome people who are just ruining it for everybody else. Who just won't go along. Who are dissenters and disrupters. Enemies of the peace. Enemies of the people. Enemies of the collective and their dreams of Utopia.
And for the dream to survive and come to fruition, such people must be eliminated.
It's the law of the nature of Progressives.
It's evident in their ready impulse to silence voices that disagree with them. An example is their enthusiasm for a Talk-Radio "Fairness Doctrine". The fact that there is one place in the culture that actually has the audacity to speak full-throated Conservatism/Libertarianism is utterly unacceptable to them.
That Academia, the entire Media, all of Entertainment, and the Music industry (with the exception of some country singers) are in lockstep with their Progressive propaganda is not good enough. No one must be allowed to dissent. There must be NO voices questioning their message. All other voices must be silenced. All enemies must be neutralized.
It's evident in their PC charges of "racism" "homophobia", designed for no other reason than to shut opposition down. To shut you up.
That's all Political Correctness is: Progressives' attempt to silence voices and ban ideas they don't like and don't want anybody to hear.
And those behaviors, friends, are the first steps of the eventual Stalinian mass-murderer.
Yes. That's extreme. But it's also true.
Every progressive is an incipient mass murderer. Most just don't have the opportunity to mature into their full potential.
Progressives use whatever nasty bits of power and corruption they can accumulate. If it's a little, they smear you. If it's a lot, they kill you.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Let the Congregation say AMEN!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Brother!
ReplyDeleteAmen and then some.
ReplyDeleteThis must be spread far and wide. Let us never forget what we're dealing with.
ReplyDeleteMay I steal that, and do you want credit or not - LOL. just asking because in today's culture...
ReplyDeletergranger...sure use it everywhere...wouldn't mind the credit...and a link....
ReplyDeletethanks! (and welcome!)