Thursday, March 01, 2012

R.I.P. Andrew Breitbart

Goddamnit! This is what I've been trying to say!

We have to make "conservatism" cool.

And, frankly, my dear, that probably means using a different label!

Breitbart wanted Punk Rock Republicans.

I want Metal-Head Republicans. They play better.

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Trying to link to article...had lotta problems.Makes a person paranoid.Breitbart was one who shook stuff up,and change the narrative laid down by the so-called "liberal" media,who constantly mis-represent what people are p.o.-ed about. The jerk Democrats cynically got behind Obama in 2008 with the thinking, "If anyone criticizes him we'll call them racists (how friggin' simplistic,but they know their party members),and now the Stupid Party (Republicans) can't come up with better "front-runners" than Romney ("rich white guy manikin" cliche) or Santorum ("uptight Christian"),Newt ("self-adoring intellectual"),or Ron Paul (doddering old feller with best ideas 75% of the time,but too old).ALL these guys are walking cliches....I early-voted for the candidate I think will cause the least damage to our Republic.Some people call it Real Politic...I call it...."Anyone but this arrogant a-hole Obama!!!"
