What Abrams did.
The links that were on Drudge for 24 hours, right before the Florida primary....were, essentially a pack of lies. Nicely done, Mitt and Mitt enablers...and "Establishment" Republicans. Classy
Honestly, after 9-11 when I changed my registration from Democrat to Republican, I felt like I was associating myself with the good guys.
But now I'm so disgusted with what are arguably still the Country-Club Republicans. The same assholes that hated Goldwater and Reagan....no matter what they say now.
The first revolution has to be within the GOP. Until we get the Party on the right track, run by the right people, we'll never elect the people necessary to do the hard work required to take our country back
The current crop of disgusting tools will never do it. After all, they haven't yet.
What more do we need to know?
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Slinger!!!! You're back! Missed ya.
ReplyDeleteA. Nonny Mouse
Forgot to say that the only reason that I registered as a repugnantcan was so I can vote in their primary. Given the death grip the two major parties have on power I felt it was the closest thing I could do towards making a difference. Regardless of affiliation, I will vote for who I think the best candidate is, even if it is only a write in.
ReplyDeleteA Nonny Mouse
But first, the GOP needs to win. Another four years of Obama, we're toast. This might be the most important election, ever. A vote for a 3rd ticket, or a write in, will give Obama another four years. Sad, but true.
ReplyDelete@ A Nonny Mouse
A write in or third party vote, is a vote for Obama. I hope you understand that. Remember Perot?
There will only be two choices. I don't totally agree with the GOP either, but this will be a "vote against" election. Registering as a republican so you can vote in "their" primary is an act of treason, in my opinion. If you are registered as a republican, and vote differently...you're a pussy. People like you are part of the problem. You want to make a difference? Vote Obama out, then you can get on your soapbox all you want. This election is all about not giving Obama another four years. You need to understand the game.
Nothing personal.
@ Yabu
ReplyDeleteRon Paul has been labeled, and most identify him as a kook...even though he is right in most instances. His only real weakness is in foreign policy. Santorum is running out of steam and may not make it to the finals. The repugnatcan elite, polls and media are vilifying the Newtster to the point where he may not have a chance in the public eye and are pushing Romney........only because 'it's his turn'. So, we will be left with the man who lost to the man who lost to obongo.
I believe that if that happens we will see another 4 years of socialist hell and chicago (no caps intentional) style corruption in this country. Romney will lose. Big time, and if by some miracle he wins, it will only slow the train heading towards the cliff from 90 mph to 50. I could see voting for Newt, but I do not think he will get the nod.
The end result of a loss to "o" will be that the repugnatcans are toast and we might see a third party emerge.... for the following election cycle if we are lucky enough to have another election.
Our only REAL hope this time around is to gain a stronger foothold in the House and take the Senate to the point where we have a veto proof legislature. That still may not make a difference as the ass wipe in the peoples house on Pennsylvania Av. is doing everything by decree or leaving it to one of his non elected departments to oppressively regulate these days.
Registering as I do is because the minor parties in this country do not field strong enough candidates. I am tired of holding my nose every time I vote and will not do so again.
NOW, come and call me a pussy to my face. It's easy to be a keyboard kommando when there is no possibility of a receiving punch in the snot locker for an insult delivered. Be careful not to let a bullfrog mouth override a tadpole set of brains.
I'll see your EOTIS and raise you III.
A. Nonny Mouse
I agree, Ron Paul has no foreign policy...he's out. Santorum has no money...he's out. Newt scares people, he's probably out, but I would love to see him debate Obama. Newt is probably the smartest of all. So, that leaves Romney, who I'm not fond of, but I will vote for anyone against Obama.
DeleteSad that it comes down to money and the media. Obama has the media, and he's about to throw over a billion dollars into the pot.
What I said was, "If you are registered as a republican, and vote differently...you're a pussy."
I have no problem calling you a pussy to your face. You swing, I will break your arm and kick your ass, and then I'll buy you a beer. It's just politics.
I'll see your mouse and raise you a bullfrog.
Damn, Simmah down.
You know what the problem is? You're both right.
ReplyDeleteIf we don't hold our noses and vote for whatever tool the Republicans manage to scrape up, we'll get 4 more years of Ă˜bama.
If we DO vote for whatever tool the Republicans manage to scrape up, we'll get endless more years of the GOP scraping up tools as candidates.
I HATE the Republican Party for giving us this shitty lose-lose choice.
I really understand, but do we really have a choice? Too late for a viable 3rd party this time around. It is what it is.
DeleteKobiyashi/Maru 2012
I would not disagree with that!
DeleteYES! Now we just need a James Tiberius to figure out how to con the game!
DeleteManchurian Candidate, someone so comitted to the goals he (she) will do ANYTHING to get in there - and then turn around and have the evil ones "removed."
DeleteTaqiyya, to use a term we should know...
followed by multiple "tragic accidents."
And as long as we're dreaming... (Someone made an analogy to "the one ring" here - it is accurate, I think, as most men have a price. Could be money, or love, or ammo, or food, or underage girls, or sheep - but they'll do unthinkable things for that ONE bit of forbidden fruit. And a position of power allows them to conceal it - so by BEING corrupt from the get-go, the power destroys them. And someone who is not corrupt? Ron Paul, maybe? Perot, perhaps? We need a Mordor moment, but no sane person wants to enter Mordor on the Potomac. )
ReplyDeleteI would refer you to 6 posts down, what AJ wrote. Not one dime and not my vote either. I will no longer vote for the lesser of two assholes. Both parties are leading us down the path of ruination, one is just fast tracking it. If that's where we're headed, let it happen while I'm still alive to do something about it.
Mouse, I'll see your III
I'm curious, what are you going to do about it? Simple question. I would really like to know.
DeleteWhen it comes down to the bottom line...Yes,the Republican party is the stupid party often,but the alternative is much,much worse.How's about at LEAST voting to negate the totally ignorant Obamaroids' votes,neutralize these destructive idiots.Otherwise,"Alphadog",you're just another albeit well-intentioned yet too-stubborn Don Quixote making the "perfect" the enemy of the "good",and end up getting fucked,just like Quixote.Parts of The Left in the Sixties had a similar plan..."Let's let the most damaging a-hole (in their leftist eyes) get elected,everyone will see how bad they do,and there will be a 'True Revolution'". Doesn't work...never will.Talk to those in countries who have endured the transition from authoritarian regimes to dictatorships. Relativity,dude...There's always a chance to fight back against the first,but little chance to fight against the latter.I'd rather get half a loaf than absolutely NONE at all ,due to the total entrenchment of a personality cult like "Obama.It knows no Reason,just mindless worship.Ain't it weird how the the Obama-freaks (and Stalin,and Castro,etc.) disdain traditional religion and smirk about it,yet wholly embrace worship of a mere human a-hole. I repeat...at least vote to neutralize the vote of the idiots I hear on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" every morning.It is called strategy,for the big picture.I don't wish to hear later on ,some too-proud jerk bitching about how he lost his job,etc.,Iask "Dija vote?",he /she says "nah,I didn't like Romney/Ginrich/whoever enough to vote against Obama.They weren't perfect" I will tell them "Fuck you,prideful idiot!"...
ReplyDeletetj, I know how you feel, and everything you say is right and totally resonates with me.
DeleteExcept...we have always said that. Every election we are told that it cannot be squandered, we cannot afford to let the opposition win. And thus we never teach the Republicans. They control us with threats and horrors; and we never influence them.
They force us away from strategic thinking to the tactics of elections. And our long term goals are NEVER met.
I understand and agree with your fear. I'm just starting to think that it's time we put on our big girl panties and actually stood up and demanded what we want from the Party that is supposed to be representing us.
There is NEVER enough time between elections to start a third party and get it off the ground for the next one. Does that mean we give up the idea of ever having actual representation? And accept the slower—as opposed to faster— degradation of our culture...so that not only do our children and their children have to pay our debts...they are also suffering under tyranny we failed to stop?
I just don't like that option either.
(1 of 2)
DeleteThe way of the politician (and most economic-minded humans, unfortunately) is to sacrifice the long-term benefits for a short-term profit. I specifically separate the two because the short-term is generally monetary, while the long-term may not be purely monetary. Creating a dynasty, say, or a company like Ford.
Ford probably did a lot of unpleasant things. He also made campuses, communities, really - providing housing, schools, roads for hsi workers. He made a long-term benefit - increased productivity, worker satisfaction, worker retention, "Imprinting" young minds on Ford as they grew up. But he likely did that at a net COST in dollars.
These days, not going to even be considered. Workers decide where they live, "no one" takes care of the "community" - hell, no one wants to BE in a community, and if an anti-social person like myself is calling you out? SOMETHING is seriously messed up. It's like Hannibal Lector questioning your dietary choices.
Microsoft is the closest thing I know of, and I don't think the MS employees see MS as Ford employees saw Ford. (Culture has changed outside, as well; loyalty not rewarded due to economic though, if you will - new workers are cheaper, H1-B cheaper still. And they have a 5+ year loyalty built in if they are seeking citizenship.)
We've learned to elect economic-minded man into office. They give us free stuff, and we don't shoot the desrving ones, and so incrementalism kicks in, and year after year, things get SLIGHTLY worse... SLIGHTLY less tolerable... but last year redefined "normal," so we don't even blink. Humans have (of necessity) a short memory. Dogs make a good example, BTW - fight occurs, someone wins, someone loses, and there's no malice afterwards. (Humans aren't like that of course, we hold a grudge.)
It's only when there's no where left to run to that we find we're really in a corner, and by then - it's too late to fight.
This is why we have to define the terms early, and clearly. "Shall not be infringed" - we REALLY blew THAT one, back in 1910 or so, when we got into moralizing with Prohibition, then enacted Volstead act, then enabled gnags to develop, fester, grow, metastasize - and shoot people using full-auto weapons. CIVILIZED people didn't HAVE these weapons, but were in the crossfire. So in 1934 (?Right?) we got a law banning full-auto weapons for citizens. and of course, the good, law-abiding criminals did... Nothing. Because they don't exist. But the rest of us couldn't just empty a magazine at the assailants, either. You'll find, BTW, parallels in the South - arming the slaves and free Negroes. KKK loved disarmed niggers...
Government loves disarmed niggers, too. Niggers to the GOV'T means "Anyone NOT in the government."
We MUST keep that in mind - AND we must be WILLING to go to the wire - or the wall - as needed. We just need to make it COSTLY before they get to us. At even a 2:1 ratio, they'll back off, send in the army. At that point, it's war anyway (violation of posse comitatus in spirit, if not letter - using US Army to quell civilian riots. Arnold Schwarzennegger, Running Man, anybody? Word will get out.) At that point, open warfare, it doesn't matter any more who is a Patriot - everyone is a TARGET. Common interest will band troops with civvies, cops with criminals - just to survive. We just need our "Freedom Rock" (Red Dawn, if I didn't botch the reference.)
And we need to state our purposes, limits, objections up front, or it DOES become insurrection. That was the purpose of the Declaration, recall - to set before the world, in language so plain as to be indisputable, the reasons the colonists would take such unprecedented action.
(2 of 2)
DeleteWe must do the same, as a voice in the wilderness - because once someone takes a stand, it will start to grow. Once ORGANIZED, it will be undeniable. Once undeniable, people will do what people do: the power-mad will crack down, the patriots will get abused, the populace will wonder what's happening, and event by event, the patriots will grow - as their sons / daughters / children / grandparents are "disappeared" or murdered in cold blood...
We are OVERDUE because no one has the stomach for war. Vietnam hurt. Wonder if the media connection was intentional? to steer us away from violence? Because since I was born, it's been one after another after another "anti-violence" campaign. Hell, masturbation was referred to as "self-abuse," and regardless of the morality issue - the framing of the argument in those terms renders "rational" and sane discussion impossible.
The new Self-abuse: Wanting to use your rights. Wanting a gun. Wanting fireworks. Wanting to decide what goes into your body (immumization; food additives; medicines; water purity; etc.)
We're being assaulted from all sides, have been for probably over a century, and "good Christians" and "good patriots" like my parents and grandparents turned a blind eye to the excesses and damages, and helped MAKE people like me: people who value our freedom (good), but know it's not raining - you're pissing down my back, dammit.
And Daddy Government is no different, we know why that liquid's warm...
Reference: Axl Rose; Poison; Metallica; Megadeth; Avenged Sevenfold: Nightmare; Linkin Park; Poppa Roach: Angles and Insects and Last Resort.
Just to name a few - and those are the mainstream. Try Manowar, GWAR, Cannibal Corpse (if you can tolerate the latter two, good for you). Even Green Day, liberal idiots they are, make some good points and good social commentary. We need to listen to the bards more, and ACT more - not just keep hitting the SOMA button until we die.
BraveNewWorldOrder is upon us; to borrow a line: Fat George has declared us in Revolt; WHY THE HELL CAN'T WE?! (John Adams, screenplay of 1776)
"They" have decided WE are the enemy. Why can't WE see that? Why won't WE do something about that? Since Voting hasn't worked, and juries are frequently INSTRUCTED in the law by the judge - which does NOT allow for nullification - nad our pastors and priests have been marginalized and muzzled - we're sort of OUT OF OPTIONS.
At least people like Joe Stack make a point. the rest of the herd is just hoping they get eaten LAST.
Yabu and TJ,
ReplyDeleteForgive my tardiness in responding.
Yabu, I cannot answer your question with any specifics until the cards are dealt my friend. I only know that if those who would change this country into something beyond all recognition have the patience to wait until people my age (and yours) are gone, they will have a much simpler time of it.
TJ, Make no mistake, I will be voting. But it will be for local and regional candidates that might still make a difference. I can no longer endorse or legitimize the Republican party by voting for the sorry excuses for candidates that they keep trotting out before us; if we keep eating shit, they're going to keep serving shit.
Now, if you believe in the separation of the three branches of government and the theory of checks and balances, you should be able to abide which ever party holds the executive branch (yeah I know). But when you stop believing this, what the fuck difference does it all make anyway?