Friday, October 28, 2011

A Rant...

I wrote this in a someone who continues to play the "party" game, where membership in a political party is more important than the survival of the nation:
It really isn’t about Republicans and Democrats, gentlemen. Both can be, are, and have been anti-American, big-government, greedy, fat-cat idiots.

It’s about Conservative/Libertarian, i.e., small, constitutionally limited government, versus big-government & their crony fat-cat corporate blood-suckers (of whatever persuasion)...using government to benefit themselves at the expense of others.

It is unfettered POWER of government gone amok that is the problem. And THAT is what is wrong with Obama and all his “progressive” minions...and other liberal idiots. They, BY DEFINITION, see government as a tool they can control and use to their own benefit, and punish those they disagree with.

Conservatives/Libertarians understand that as George Washington said, “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

There are, no doubt, Republicans who would like to use big government to advance their personal/social/religious/monetary agendas. That is antithetical to Conservatism. Conservatives—whether Democrat or Republican—are, BY DEFINITION, against any government grown beyond the limits delineated by the Constitution.

That is the ground we have to fight on...between those that believe government is the solution....and those that know government is the PROBLEM.

The government needs to get out of the pockets of ALL Americans. It needs to stop taking the rightful property of those that earn it...whether rich, poor, middle-class, Republican or Democrat.

It isn’t about what letter is after your name. It’s about whether you want to be a free citizen or a serf.

And ALL Americans used to know that.

Not bad for an angry rant, if I do say so myself.

The Gunslinger

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