The other day, something occurred to me out of the blue. I don't know if I was watching/listening to some "animal rights" message, or why it came to me just then, but here it is:
We are all familiar with the Progressive/Liberal take on animal rights...right? It goes something like this:
The very worst thing in the world is for animals, who should be free, to be caged for the amusement of human beings.
Indeed, there are many who believe that domestic animals, who have not been free for centuries, should not be penned or used for food or work by us either.
All animals have a right to live free, according to their natures. Lions and tigers and bears and elephants...and all the other wild animals should be living free in their natural environment, without interference by man.
This is an uncontested truth among Liberals. They are outraged at the very idea that animals should be forced to live "unnatural" lives....
What happens at a zoo?
Animals live in government provided housing, they are fed, sheltered, managed and controlled by government workers—they have free healthcare. They live exactly in the way Progressives/Liberals are trying to force Humans to live: insisting they trade their freedom for government apparatchik provided "security".
Excuse me....but if it's such a great evil, cruel SIN to "do that to animals", why the hell is it okay to do it to human beings?
Here's what we do:
Get them going on a good rant that animals should be FREE...
Use the argument that caged animals get free food, housing and medicine and protection from the cold and predators - they live healthier, longer lives in captivity!
And whey they've shouted that "Freedom is more important than all that..."
....Tell them you agree, and ask them why they don't believe in that same freedom for human animals.
They'll make your argument themselves, passionately and arrogantly—and they'll never see you coming.
The Gunslinger
Animal and Human lover.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
ReplyDeleteI've been coming at them from a similar angle with To be a house slave... or to be an American - That is the question, but it's not nearly as colorful as yours!
Well done,Gunny! So many so-called "animal rights" types are merely engaging in projection-type psycho-babble (when I met my future ex-wife,she was one of those jerks who spit on fur-wearers in NYC,yet had no problem with aborting our baby when the inevitable happened later on...thus our marriage hit its sad end).Reflecting nowadays,I believe she watched too many Disney movies.A sign of stunted maturity...typical of "liberals"...