Nice to know the mere mention of Øbama's name brings out the fury in Patriots.
Just check out the "comments" to the last post!
The guy is a loser. A loser with "self-esteem". The perfect graduate of our current public school system.
Almost none of his "success" has been of his own making. He's been groomed because of the coincidence of his skin color, his Progressive/Marxist upbringing, and his lack of a "Negro Dialect" (still cracks me up!) to be the guy who finishes what the early 20th Century elitist, "true men" (as they apparently called themselves) and "reformers" began.
And what they began is an evolution away from the Constitution under which we are self-governed, to a tyranny by which the elite RULE us pitiful, stupid, ignorant, backward, unsophisticated, uneducated common folk.
(Can you see the Glenn Beck influences?I hope so. That would mean you're listening to and watching him too. And that can only be good for the country.)
I think he's got Øbama pegged. An elitist without the slightest idea of how things work. Or how human beings work. A stupid egghead. (And, no, that is not a contradiction in terms!)
Actually, I lie. I don't think Øbama is an egghead. I don't think he's an intellectual. Indeed, I read a great piece which I commented on here at the time, that suggested (and I concur) that Øbama is a good mimic.
The 'Bamster can act like, and sound like, an intellectual. But it's a pose.
If it weren't, he would not constantly be contradicting himself.
He does not have a coherent philosophy....even one designed by Karl Marx or Hugo Chavez. All he has is vague, egotistical collectivist instincts...without an intellectual, logical or moral foundation.
Outside his little insular circle of Communists with ancient grudges because they cannot compete with the best of us, the University...full of the exactly the same sort of people, and the rawly ambitious Emergent Tyrants who are using him for their own ends...he'd be pumping gas, or asking, as the saying goes, "You want fries with that?"
We are being governed by a cartoon character. Roger Rabbit had more sense and practical experience that the current President of the United States.
I certainly hope we can survive him. If it were only he...I would not be so worried. But his masters have built a shadow architecture and a underground culture that they are waiting to spring upon us.
All we can do is stand and be true.
At whatever cost.
To save the nation.
And to insure the "blessings of liberty" on our posterity.
I would have really enjoyed a quite retirement...shooting guns, playing drums, maybe buying another motorcycle.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
11 months ago
I'm with you! (except I don't play drums)
ReplyDeletebut, you know, making miserable the lives of lowlife politicians and lying psuedo-intellectuals is looking like a pretty interesting retirement option.
I'm thinking I could have a good time do just that. ;)
ReplyDeleteI say we start a gang.
ReplyDeleteI am in where do I sign up? What color clothes are we wearing and do we get to throw pies in their faces?
ReplyDeleteOh...I forgot. We already HAVE a gang: The Wolf Pack!