Friday, November 06, 2009

Muslim Terrorist Attack

They can call it whatever they want. We know what it was.

The wall to wall coverage does say one thing: it's rare enough—so far—in the United States that we can take the time to examine every single facet of this dirtbag's filthy Muslim life...and publicly wonder....

..."Why Did He Do It?"

I don't think they bother doing that in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, or, say, Israel. They pretty much know the minute it happens.

I love the tender care the news media takes to not call it a "Muslim Terrorist Attack" while they turn over every tiny stone in his background... trying to find "clues" to his motivation.

Can we please start with the assumption—when someone with a Arabic name cold-bloodedly murders a bunch of innocent Americans—that he's a fucking filthy Muslim terrorist rather than pretending we have NO IDEA what could POSSIBLY make a MUSLIM man do such a thing....while we go to extraordinary lengths to avoid the obvious?

Is that possible in our absurdly weak-kneed, politically correct, "sensitive", suicidal America?

Did anyone reading this doubt, the moment they heard this savage's name, what the hell happened?

I didn't think so.

Does anyone think the firing squad is out of the question? At dawn tomorrow?

Didn't think so.

The Gunslinger, ETOIS
Para Bellum

1 comment:

  1. Hey Slingbaby,

    For some reason I can't paste links in your comments, and I ain't typing 'em, so head on over to my crib and follow the links in the post titled "A MORE LIKELY SCENARIO".

    I can't believe he's still alive after being shot four times. I'm downtown with a firing squad at dawn.

    Yabu...EOTIS, Realist, Patroit, Son of the Revolution
