Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Crux of the Matter

Solo, a commenter on American Spectator echoes my argument about the new concept of "positive rights" (to healthcare or anything else except the right to be left alone by government).

Daniel, another commenter begins the discussion by declaring:
"Can you look at this system and tell me that we're not in trouble? I'm fine with dissenters, I'm fine with reasoned debate, but the Republican party is fighting for no health care reform, not better health care reform. Please, people, join me in making sure that health care is not a business, but a right to every citizen in the best country on Earth! "

Solo takes him on:

No, Daniel. Health care is NOT a "right". I know that sounds cruel's true. If you believe otherwise then I suggest that you do some research to determine the true meaning of the concept of "rights".

Health Care ( for those who cannot purchase it for themselves) is an entitlement. Is is granted by virtue of compassion of the individual at his (or her) own choice as dictated by his (or her) own conscience.

To use the force of government to mandate this highly subjective moral judgment is tyranny. The mitigation of tyranny is the very reason this republic was established in the first place. This is the very reason that the founders pledged their "...lives, fortunes and sacred honor".

The very thought of allowing the federal government to make these determinations for you is in direct contradiction to the very principles upon which the United States Of America is predicated.

That you have allowed yourself to buy-in to this narrative of these fictitious "rights" actually sickens and saddens me beyond my capacity to describe.

I believe that you mean well...I really do. must carefully think through this train of thought before you surrender our freedom (and that of your children) for short term gain.

If the federal government (an entity which you cannot escape without surrendering your citizenship) can apply a subjective moral imperative upon you against your will- what is there to stop them? What boundary may they not cross?

You do not have the "right" to a car...or a plasma T.V....or a job...or health care.

You have the right to pursue these things for yourself unimpeded by others. But you do not have the "right" to compel another to surrender them to you. forced slavery. And it is the very definition of tyranny.

Color emphasis mine. It is the crux of the matter.

The Gunslinger
Enemy of the Imperial State (EOTIS)


  1. Slingbaby my friend...and I mean that in a good are so so right.

    "But you do not have the "right" to compel another to surrender them to you. forced slavery. And it is the very definition of tyranny."

    The new concept of "positive rights" is so so wrong. These people are changing the rules mid-game. Horse in mid-stream...whatever.

    I'll tell you, "things" are going to get more out of hand...heck, they already are...

    We need to vote 'em all out...all of 'em.

  2. Sam,

    Unfortunately a fair sized portion of the American people have discovered that they can vote for a living. We won't be able to get rid of all of them.

    A. Nonny Mouse

  3. Mouse...we just need to roast enough of them to scare the crap out of the rest.

    And I think that MIGHT be do-able, if we organize well enough.

  4. That is such an eloquent and woinderfully written argument. I wish I could write like that without all my extraneous threads. Thanks for posting that!
