Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fascist IS as Fascist DOES

Control of Information is here!

Just like the fascists they are, Democrats want to stop Republicans from sending the famous "healthcare chart" to constituents.

I might add, of course, that anyone who hasn't seen it already isn't paying attention. Then again, I suppose those are just the sort of people the Republicans are trying to reach.

Of course, if the Democrats have anything to do with it, everyone who doesn't agree with them will be silenced on pain of imprisonment.

I know you think I'm kidding...

But no.

The Gunslinger
Enemy of the Imperial State (EOTIS)


  1. Oooh-kay then, Dims.

    Just provide a more accurate chart. One that is so simple, so clear, it cannot be challenged. One that footnotes each box and line with section and paragraph numbers from the bill.

    Bet you can't, because you didn't read the bill either.

    (That said, I bet that a good chart maker could make even the Repug's chart clearer. It would be larger, have more whitespace, but you might actually be able to trace out how the power flows. And I bet that would be even scarier.)

  2. Amen, brother. No clarification of Democratic/marxist thought ever makes it "better"!
