Saturday, July 04, 2009

Can I Make a Suggestion?

Every time the GOP hits you up for money, say "Sorry, NO", and tell them you will donate to SARAH PAC instead, and "thanks for the reminder, I haven't send this month's donation in yet!"

And tell them you'll be working to get every well as every Democrat incumbent thrown out of office in 2010, because the Republicans are just as arrogant, distant, corrupt and Imperial as the vile Democrats. And because they're more worried about their jobs and their popularity in the DC Swamp than they are about their constituents or their country.

Tell them we're sick to death of spineless pseudo-conservatives, who talk the talk on the campaign, but don't walk the walk when the chips are down.

Tell them we're not fucking moderates and we won't support Democrat-Lite masquerading as "Republicans". I'm looking at YOU Newt Gingrich and John McCAin! And I mean, is ANYONE less exciting that Mitt Romney? By all means, let's have another Bob Dole moment.

And that until they purge the party of Progressives, they can count us, and our support, and our votes, OUT!

Remember, the latest hit piece on Sarah Palin, in Vanity Fair, was fueled by John McCain's campaign.

As a reader at American Thinker opined:

" long before the CONSERVATIVE CANNIBALS come crawling out of the woodwork in force? Those who call themselves Conservatives, those who tell you how much they respect Sarah Palin, and those who then drag out a laundry list as long as their arm telling you all the many reasons why she's a worthless, ignorant pile of trash?

Conservative Cannibalism.

Beware. With "friends" like this, we don't need enemies.

Let's not be battered Republicans, staying with an abusive party who we keep hoping will change if we just "love" them enough!

And finally:

"I could see the horse, but I could not see the rider. Now I can see the rider, and she has red shoes on!"

The Gunslinger


  1. I agree. Support conservative PACs and candidates. If the GOP wants access to those financial resources, then they know how to get it.

  2. I'm downtown with Palin. We'll see how it plays out. I saw her speak in North Carolina...very impressive.

    I like her boo coo.

    I signed up with SaraPAC from the get-go.

    Off you have an opinion on a Glock 30?

    Have a good day.

  3. Ten rounds of .45...

    What's not to like??

  4. "Every time the GOP hits you up for money, say "Sorry, NO", and tell them you will donate to SARAH PAC instead, and "thanks for the reminder, I haven't send this month's donation in yet!""

    YEAH! I did just that when I got a fundraising call on Friday (though I didn't think of the SARAH PAC, good touch), the callers script tried to bait a contribution out of me with big govt fears & Obama, I had to stop him and say "Do you realize that the your standard bearer from last year, John McCain, was a co-sponsor of the hitler youth-lite "H.R. 1388, the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (Serve America)" which was signed into law in April? Or that he has proposed cap and trade measures himself - how does he credibly fight Obama on ANYTHING? Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Lindsay Graham all have supported some form of govt Healthcare reform and glowbull warming reforms? I don't fund or vote for a party, I fund and vote for Conservatives who uphold American constitutional values, and until you get a block in power in the republican party who support American values, you are just as big a threat to our freedoms, and just as big a promoter of big govt, as the democrat party! Until the republican party shows signs of being something worth supporting - forget about it!"

    "Tell them we're not fucking moderates and we won't support Democrat-Lite masquerading as "Republicans". I'm looking at YOU Newt Gingrich and John McCAin!"", and "And I mean, is ANYONE less exciting that Mitt Romney? By all means, let's have another Bob Dole moment."

    Exactly! No one is going to build a electoral majority by being democrat-lite, and I don't want to be any part of them even if they could.

  5. Van, nice!

    The cool thing about using Sarah Palin's name, is it will communicate everything you said... two words!
