Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

As a gift on Independence Day, I offer you this hope:

Sarah Palin has now been 'vetted' as thoroughly than any politician in recent memory; maybe more so than Hilary? Obama has not had one item of his considerable baggage looked at. The Vanity Fair article was the final inoculation to Sarah's poli-immune system.

She is now freed up to be a conservative guided missile aimed at the weak, pasty, fat liberal underbelly. This is gonna be a lot of fun seeing Sarah do the circuit blowing up all the Obamacrat pretense as she goes along.

The leftards will certainly not lay down and roll over, they will fight more visciously than ever. So pass the popcorn and "Lets get ready to rrummmble"!

This is a comment on the American Thinker post: Sarah Palin Breaks the Mold Again.

No matter what she does, she will be a star. The Slobbering Cult Media and the oily Progressives have tried to destroy the Beauteous Sarah, and have failed, in spite of their wishful thinking.

Note that she says she will be helping and campaigning for "good" people, no matter what party they belong to.

The woman totally "gets it"!

My hero.

Don't forget to donate to SARAH PAC! I already did!

The Gunslinger


  1. What's that I'm feeling? Could it be optimism?
    I do believe it is.
    If Sarah takes on this fight as we know she can the left is in real trouble.
    I'm looking forward to the democratic ass slapping to come!
    The Six is an open, unapologetic, enthusiastic Sarah Palin supporter.

  2. O-P-T-I-M-I-S-M....hmmmm

    Sounds familiar...let me see...

    Why, yes...Yes! I DO remember!

    I'm with you Tea Party duds include a "PALIN 12" jersey.

    Let the vermin titter at it. Makes it easier to cull them from the Pack.

  3. Yes, Sarah is free. She can now say exactly what is on her mind. She can ignore the RNC and pick and choose her own friends. She can start another party.

    This lady has more class and dignity than most of Congress together.

    If she says to hell with all of politics I will understand that also.

    Good Luck Sarah.

  4. Steve Sinai4/7/09 5:40 PM

    She cut and run. She's become a nut who only appeals to like-minded nuts.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Tom, I agree. Her opponents in Alaska found common cause with the Cult Media, and played it for all it was worth.

    You notice they did not have much bad to say about their incredibly able, popular and beautiful governor until the panic-stricken Media started bashing her from sea to shining sea...

    ...then her Alaskan enemies made their cowardly move, hoping for cover and encouragement from the media. And they got it.

    They've disrupted her ability to do her job. And as typical Marxists, they don't give a damn what they destroy, as long as they can advance their slimy agenda.

    Now that she's a private citizen, the media, the democrats and the democrat-lite republicans have only her hair, or lipstick, her accent, or her high heels to criticize. And when they do—because they won't be able to help themselves—they'll look even more stupid, bias and clueless than they already do.

    She's removed herself as a target, without removing herself from the game.

    Brilliant, actually.
