How does one choose between the stories:
1) All Obies BFF's declare that Capitalism "threatens life on the planet"?
2) Al Gore testifying in Washington lying about "Global Warming" and lawmakers taking him seriously, while the Democrats refuse to allow the opposing side to be heard.
3) In spite of all the money; in spite of all the government interventions, in spite of all the attempts at humiliating and punishing the executives and saving the unions, Pontiac...a division of GM, is closing. (Are the taxpayers going to foot the bill for those UAW "retirements" in those of politicians?)
4) Nancy Pelosi's outright LIES about "what she knew and when she knew it" about water-boarding and other interrogation techniques. And her scabrous pretense that it's an outrage. She has no trouble dooming American Citizens to poverty and serfdom...but don't hurt an Islamic Terrorist. That hurts her "feelings".
5) The publication of documents regarding interrogation techniques by this White House, to stir up public outrage (failed), to give our secrets away to our enemies (succeeded), to open the door for banana republic kangaroo trials of political opponents. And the international opinions of anti-Americans that ZerO is so in love with are starting to bubble up.
6) The laughable response of Zero to the request from Vice President Cheney that the documents proving the effectiveness of the techniques in saving America from attacks, and Americans from bloody murder...that he would determine whether to do so....only on the basis of what's best for national security. Does ANYBODY believe that?
7) The lust of ZerO & the Democrats to pass Cap and Trade, a program that would impoverish every American by doubling the cost of energy for home heating/cooling and the price of gasoline (direct costs), and wilding increasing the prices of every single thing that requires energy in its production, transportation, other words every single thing we need to live (indirect costs). Translation: Humongous increase in taxation for every single person in America...including those who currently pay no income taxes and those too young to work for their own money. Our cost of living will increase beyond our ability to maintain our current quality of life.
Between that, and the crushing debt created by the out of control spending, which must result in higher direct taxation and staggering inflation, coupled with government intervention in private enterprise...a controlled enconomy, I don't think it'll be long until we have what mostly resembles a Third World economy, and a breakdown of civil society. Nicely ripe for a dictator to "save" us. Maybe it's just me. Or might be HISTORY! (Which apparently nobody bothers to read anymore!)
8) The suicide of the CFO at Freddie Mac...
9) ZerO's visit to Mexico....softening the ground for a "treaty" that will violate Americans' Second Amendment Rights.
10) And finally today, I want to present ZerO, the "conservative". It would appear that ZerO's teleprompter has been listening to Conservative Talk Radio, and has prepared a speech that repeats every point they've been making since the first Porkulus bill.
Since it's been proven beyond question in the last 100 days that ZerO does the precise opposite of what he says, I'd say we're in for an even bigger car wreck in Washington that we've already witnessed. All the words are English, and all the words have particular meanings. But when ZerO talks, he means:
"spending" ...when he says "savings" or "inventment"
"irresponsibility".... when he says "responsibility"
"corruption".... when he says "good government"
"prosecution of political rivals".... when he says "bi-partisanship"
"destroy efficient, critical industries".... when he says "encourage new technologies"
"tax".... when he says "cut programs"
It used to be that political scandals were rare enough to give you time to get your head around them. Now they're coming at us fast enough to trigger seizures.
The Gunslinger
So many links....Thank you for them! Two of my best cars were Pontiacs! So sad..I STILL aver that "Cap & Trade" bs will be the straw that breaks the back of this charade "Administration" that pretends to know wtf it is doing,even among the bobble-heads...And Pelosi...apologies to the Ladies,but she doesn't even arise to the term "ignorant slut"...maybe Barney Franks does,based on his recent media-latherings (i.e. LIES).If I were gay,I'd be ashamed...
ReplyDeleteOne more thing....Bill Clinton started that "investment" horsshit...depending on enough of the populace being idiotic enough not to know that Government "investment" is taxes...Haven't unclenched my teeth for 16 years,regarding that claptrap!