Wednesday, April 22, 2009

BO and Bo (Mini Me?)

I am so dense. Did I hear that right? Obama has a dog he named Bo?

You're kidding, right? He doesn't get enough adulation, he has to name a dog with his own initials?

This guy is totally creepin' me out; narcissist to the bone.

(Maybe I'll name mine JiƩss*)

The Gunslinger



  1. lowandslowpony22/4/09 7:27 PM

    A black dog named BO..hmmmm theres gotta be a song in there somewhere

  2. Your wrong Michelle named it for her father. rofl, lmao. Sorry couldn't help myself

  3. "narcissist to the bone" an understatement. Bobobama is a clown, and we're in some tall weeds, period.

  4. Reminds me of Lyndon Johnson. Had to have everything sport the LBJ moniker. Called his wife Lady Bird, named his daughters Lucy Baines and Linda Bird, and named his dog Little Beagle Johnson.

    Of course, I always thought it stood for Liberal Blow Job, but what do I know? Except that Little Beagle Johnson would be a great porn name for a midget.

  5. They claim the kids named him. Uh-huh.

    When the Obamas were first asked about getting a shelter dog (a rather on the spot ambush sort of question if you ask me) and they said they would, I immediately turned to my wife and said "There is no way on earth that they're going to get a shelter dog. They will find some excuse to get out of it. There is just no stinkin' way the Obamas are going to lower themselves to the class of shelter dog owner."

    Please note that I've owned shelter pets myself and do not think of shelter pet owners as being of a lower class. It's just these elitists with their snobby attitudes that look down their noses at such things. Oh, they'll talk up a storm about how great it is to rescue a pet, but they really mean how great it is for the rest of us to do it.

    Now, whether or not their daughter really has dog allergy issues I don't know. Seems like that would have been well known to them before now. I'm sure that they could have found a shelter dog that she could live with at least as comfortably as the purebred they got.
