Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Government "Spending"

Okay, once again, sweet Sean misses a "teaching moment".

A caller to the Sean Hannity radio program asks why isn't the "stimulus" bill , through which government will spend money when the citizens might be afraid to spend their own in these precarious times a good thing for the economy...and just what we need.

Sean said a bunch of good stuff, but he missed a central point. One, I think too many Conservatives fail to make.

Let us assume for the sake of argument that spending in this economy would be a good thing....rather than reducing the debt and saving (novel concept, I know.)

Let us also assume that the Magical Mystery Bill actually spent money "in the economy" rather than just gifting it to sweetheart, leftist organizations and politically correct boobery.

The simple fact is, the government has no money. The government seizes money from its rightful owner. When the government "spends" money, it is, in fact, taking money out of the private sector, the only engine of prosperity and wealth building.

It, in effect, removes resources from the enomony. Because it does engage in "trade" for that money, the entirety of its value simply disappears from the free market.

When the government spends money, it removes it from market forces that are best at allocating the best place for that money to be spent, and arbitrarily, plunks that wad of cash in some enterprise or endeavor that would not be favored by the market, because it is not a good investment...or a good allocation of resources.

The mere "spending" of money...even directly into the economy, by the government, un-pegged from the efficient, organic conduct of the market, does not only fail to advance prosperity, but actually impedes, and directly hampers it by making less money and fewer resources available to the most efficient machinery for success, the free market, than would have been available to create wealth if the government had not stolen and removed vast amounts of fuel (money) from the engine.

This is true of every dime the government steals through taxation, regulation, fees, licensing, etc.
Every dollar the government takes is one dollar not working to it's full potential creating wealth and prosperity.

The Gunslinger


  1. OF COURSE Hannity misses the "Moment",as do some of the other "conservative" radio-hacks I've had the time to listen to,after lay-off.Sure,a lot of the mortgage-thang is due to yadda-yadda,freddie-and-fanny-dumbass-loans,but now there are good folks who've been laid-off and are fucked,no matter how "sensible" they were.So I'm a-hatin' these assholes saying EVERYONE facing foreclosure is a deadbeat.Not true.What some of these "conservative" screechers are doing is alienating their base.Hannity is a clueless,superficial,spoiled buffoon who couldn't perform a needed trade in a clutch.Just yackety-yak.I'm lucky that I finished paying off my abode (a fine Fleetwood mobile home,btw,and I'm a little touchy about easily-strewn "trailer trash" smirkiness)just before lay-off,but some friends of mine are truly hurting,even tho they did the right thing.
    ANYWAY...Your Post makes is on the money,as usual,re:taking money out of the private sector and political boobery (we in Nashville will be getting more bus shelters...woot woot!).As for the last 3 paragraphs..."Everyday People" I know,no matter what race,cultural background,class,etc. know and have the same conclusion.If any correction of the current horseshit con is to happen,the thing is to talk like yourself,a Real reach-out to inherent common sense,not doing the usual write-your-Congressman thing (Beck is right,They don't care)."Teabags" is futile,somewhat stronger message is needing to be sent...Just saying.

  2. From Doc's blog...
    MSNBC wants you to grade Obama’s performance… Let’s have some fun and let this poll go viral on the Conservative websites! Just go to your favorite Conservative blog and leave the link in the comments section.

    Here’s the link to the MSNBC poll:


    Personally, I think they need to create a grade below “F” just for him…


    - Doc

  3. TJ...it's not the Trailer that's the problem...it's the "Trash".
