Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Rock River [UN] Sucks

UPDATE: Today I got a call from a tech from Rock River Arms. He was attentive, courteous, apologetic, reassuring and respectful. He explained that they have so many customers calling since the election, they've had to add telephone lines—and still, people can't get through.

He took the time to listen to my problem and my concerns, explained what he'd do about it, and offered to pay the freight for me to send the gun to him to fix it.

I have to say, Rock River came though...so far. I therefore provisionally recant my original post.

("provisionally" because the gun's not actually fixed yet. Once that happens, they'll get a glowing recommendation.)

Fair's fair.

The Gunslinger


I'm pretty understanding with sellers and vendors and companies who make mistakes, send me the wrong thing, or lose my order.

Shit happens. I get that.

But I'm in the middle of a situation that is really pissing me off.

I bought a kit from Rock River Arms, to build an AR-15 rifle with a lower receiver I purchased from a local gun shop.

The kit duly arrived, after quite a long wait—which they warned me about, and about which I had no complaint.

But the kit (with a gazillion tiny pieces) arrived without instructions. WTF? I didn't even let that bother me, because in the age of the internet, I quickly found online instructions, and even videos on how to build the thing.

Everything was going great...until I ran smack into a brick wall:

Rock River boasts that their kit comes with a "upgraded" two-stage trigger, that, presumably is better than the original "stock" AR-15 trigger. And I have to admit, it's quite nice.

Unfortunately the kit includes a "selector" for the original trigger. If you've never seen the inside the workings of an AR-15 (which I hadn't), the way the selector works is that when it is in the "safe" position, it blocks the back end of the trigger mechanism from lifting high enough to disengage the hammer, so the gun doesn't fire.

When the selector is in the "fire" position, it should, obviously, allow the back end of the trigger to rise high enough to disengage the hammer, so the gun does fire. Unfortunately, the selector they sent with the kit, does not work with the fancy-schmancy "upgraded" trigger assembly.

The slot in the selector is not deep enough to allow the trigger to lift high enough to work. In essence, therefore, the "fire" position is just another "safe" position.

Without the selector installed the trigger/hammer assembly works perfectly, but as soon as I install the selector, you can't fire the gun.


I have an expensive doorstop. An inoperable weapon.

Now, here's the thing. I can't get Rock River Arms to fix it. I can't get through to anyone who can help me. I did get through to a lovely lady named Sarah, who sent me a new selector, hoping that I had received the wrong one in error...and that the one she sent me would be the correct one.

It was identical to the first. No go. I need, apparently, to speak to a "technician", who is, consistently "unavailable". I have been promised twice that he'd return my call. Let's just say, I wouldn't be writing this if he had.

I am not a happy camper.

As it happens, this turns out not to be an insurmountable problem—because I've got "people". And one of them is going to reem out the selector(s) so that the slot is deep enough to allow the trigger/hammer assembly I have to work. Indeed, as an AR-15 "expert", he says he's run into this problem before (!) WTF??

And if I didn't have help, I could always order the old, original trigger/hammer setup which, presumably would work with this selector.

But that's hardly the point. The kit they sent me for my considerable payment, does not work. And they are not taking care of it at all.

I am disgusted with Rock River Arms. Even though they got a good review for "products" I have to give them a very bad review for customer service.

Just so you know.

The Gunslinger


  1. Maybe they sent you the special CA/MA selector. . . insures the gun stays CA/MA legal. . .

    Sorry, had to. . ..

    Ya, I would be pissed too. I have a Bushmaster I got last year. . . lots of fun. . . good luck with it.

  2. LOL....

    No shit. Wouldn't be surprised!

  3. http://www.vbs.tv/full_screen.php?s=DGFE2305DC&sc=1363196...Shoulda ordered from this place!

  4. Oh MAN! I thought you were directing me to another serious source...



  5. I just got my AR Brownell's catalogue. They have instructional videos on how to work on your AR:


  6. Thanks Dakota Ranger. I saw my AR-15 guy tonight and we got the thing together and working. We had to "Dremmel" the selector a tiny bit..and everything works fine.


    But I'll be happy to have good videos for reference. I plan to get at least one more...and I'll be doing all the "smithing" on them from now on.

    *chest out, swaggering, thumbs in suspenders*

    The damn kit, however, does not include a rear sight. Who knew. I have to research that an buy it separately. Any favorites??
