Tuesday, February 03, 2009

American Crusade

We have turned the corner. And I think Larrey Anderson is exactly right.

Congress: The New Power Class

We no longer just despise Congress, we fear it. With good cause. The Central Government is out of control. They are corrupt, power-mad, criminally ambitious.

We are no longer a nation of, by and for The People. We are already a tyranny. We just haven't figured it out yet. But some of us are finally waking up to that reality. And it is rapidly becoming worse. The STATE has become self-sustaining. It no longer requires the support or permission or consent of The People.

This is the exact thing our Founders feared. This is the exact thing they labored over the Constitution to avoid.

We are a nation of spoiled, stupid, lazy, ignorant children...who being given a wonderful life by our parents mock the work, the vigilance, the effort, the virtue, the morals, the honor, the discipline, and the sacrifice required to attain it, and is required of us to retain it.

A part of me wants to just wash my hands of it all, and let the stupid bastards who chose this corruption and insanity inherit the disaster they have wrought.

I have no children. I am old enough that America will probably not become completely unrecognizable before I die—if I find myself a very Red State to retire to.

I am tempted to just walk away, to tune out, to move to the country with dogs and guns and a few friends...to live, maybe another 15 years...and leave the coming whirlwind to the fools who deserve it.

I am sorely tempted.

One thing stops me. I believe that the IDEA that is America, is a gift from God to us and through us, to the world. An IDEA that He expects us to defend and preserve. I think we are the Creator's Chosen People. I think the words our Founders wrote in the Declaration of Independence marked the New Dispensation of the creator's intentions, and revelation.

The Jews of the Old Testament were the "ancient" Chosen People. Those who were given the first truly universal rules of behavior which apply to all peoples of all times. The first to rise above the primitive idea of multiple gods with human personalities, and human weaknesses.

The Christians of the New Testament were the "medieval" Chosen People. Those who were given the first introduction to love and forgiveness and brotherhood...of all being equal children of God, no matter what their worldly station: lord, commoner, master or slave.

The Americans of the Declaration of Independence are the "modern" Chosen People. Those who were given the first introduction to universal and inalienable individual freedom, liberty, justice, and equality before the law and the abolishing of the human inequities inherent in the categories of lords, commoners, masters and slaves.

And I believe we are charged, by the Creator, with keeping these truths alive in the world.

Our "land of milk and honey", The United States of America, is the direct result of cherishing, defending and living by these modern truths, and I think it's our mission is to share them with the world untainted.

Woe to us if we abandon it.

The Gunslinger


  1. Ah,1994...I remember it well!A brief shining moment...The darker side of me says the Present is merely a drawing back of the curtain to what has been a fact for quite some time,a fait accompli,and I feel the same temptation (friend has a big farm in Columbia,Tn.---ya'll come down here,y'hear!).The 9th thru 12th paragraphs are particularly acute and brilliantly expressed. This weekend I read "Wordy Shipmates" by Sarah Vowell,about Winthrop,Cotton,Ann Hutchinson,Roger Williams and that particular group of non-Separatist "Puritans" (different than the Plymouth group,and she accurately points out the differences between stereotypes vs.reality,and is even-handed in her journey towards understanding the good and bad aspects of those extremely brave pioneers,faults and all---gist of it is,that she recognizes the "Founders" of the Idea of America weren't just Adams,Jefferson,et al,but those who laid an imperfect foundation for a perfect Dream, way before 1776.She's a conflicted "liberal",with proclivities toward independent thought and humor.Rare,these days.An entertaining,intellectually provocative,and most importantly,short read.

  2. Communists do not recognize individuals only social organizations (i.e. other governments. Individuals are property.

    You can stay in blue land where you will you will be ignored.

    If you run and hide in red land, you will have a chance of influencing local and state politics. This in turn will help legitimize the cause.

    Valiant last stands get all the press, but effective strategies win wars.
