Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Of Guns and Government

Steel City Cowboy (how cool is that name?) has a great post about government, and it's appropriate role in America...and... he uses 'gun rules' to explain it.

What's not to like. Check him out, you'll really like the post, and the rest of the blog.

The rules of gun ownership are simple:
  1. Every gun is loaded.
  2. Know your target and what's behind it.
  3. Never point your gun at something you're not willing to destroy.
I think those rules also apply to government.
  1. Every law, tax, regulation and beauracrat is ready to do damage, whether you think they're perfectly harmless or not.
  2. Before you use the power of the government to do something, makes absolutely sure of what you're using it for and the issues that surround it in case you plan doesn't work out like you hoped.
  3. Never, ever, ever let the government handle something unless you're okay with it resulting in a smoking crater.

Steel City Cowboy: I Just Can't Do it Anymore

The Gunslinger

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