Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Silly Common People, the IRS is Only for You

Does ANYONE in government pay their taxes?

Drudge has it right...this is getting to be a circus. And they're all Liberals. Not surprising, but it is rather delicious.

Breitbart has the latest Obama-pick-tax-cheat story: Performance Czar Withdraws Candidacy

Being a patriot, I hope to see this "President" go down in flames ... because of what he wants to do to my America.

This is a good start. I'm sure the Slobbering Media will continue to make excuses, but they've lost so much credibility, they've become a joke. And persisting in pretending this isn't a huge, ongoing embarrassment, and an indication of the sort of "change" and "hope" Zero has brought to Washington, and revealing the degree of amateur theatrics of this group of boobs...is just going to deepen the hole they've dug for themselves.

I'm not happy. But I admit to being tickled when my enemies (and, as an American, I think that's exactly what they are), keep poking themselves in the eye.

I'd love to be a cockroach on the wall in the White House, watching Zero begin to melt down as his sainted image continues to be tainted by these idiotic antics. This has got to be a first. Things are definitely not going according to plan for the Sun King and that has got to be driving him crazy. After all, it's never happened before.

The Boy Who Walks On Water is beginning to sink. And the water's slapping at his knees. It doesn't mean anything's really changed. But for the moment, I'm enjoying the spectacle. And I certainly hope this is an omen of things to come.

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Comment found on another blog..."The IRS= THEIRS".Love the "BWWOW" phase! In other words..."Puer quisnam ingredior in unda".Me no Smartee Alex,just too much Googly-time! ANYHOO...what's with the "Czar"-this,"Czar"-that? A friggin' insult to Caesar,since the DC bureacrat "Czars" are beyond lame. AND,it'd be hard to be "a cockroach on the wall in the White House"...the place is full of them,where could you scroonch in? Beyond SRO at this point...
