Monday, February 02, 2009

The Big Lie - From the Big Liar

"I am not in favor of concealed weapons. There has not been any evidence that allowing people to carry a concealed weapon is going to make anybody safer." --Barack Obama.

Just in case you were wondering.

His refusal to acknowledge and accept proven facts isn't really astounding. He's a Leftist.

The Gunslinger


  1. I s'pose I'd be okay with carrying a gun out in the open instead of under my jacket.... maybe... Hey, then the would-be attacker doesn't just think you *might* have one, they know for sure, and move on to another target =P

  2. Christy, please you carry your money "out in the open"...or would that be an invitation to thugs to try to take it?

    Concealed is better for a lot of reasons.

    The highly popular and very successful "element of surprise" for example.

    I like criminal bastards to be insecure, unsure and discouraged. I don't want them attacking me, but I don't want them attacking others either.

    If they don't know "who" has a gun, everybody's a little safer.

    That's the safety halo that gun carriers (gun carry laws) extend to all and sundry, even those who won't carry. It's a good thing.

    Besides, you shouldn't advertise your defenses. That's just helping the bad guys figure out how to get around them!
