I just can't stand it. The press is vomiting Zero all over my world.
Let me be clear. Brack Obama is a traitor, a racist, a Marxist, an arrogant elitist, a hater of the Constitution, a respecter of no laws, a believer only in his own superiority. He despises my America and he wants to "change" it. When you change something, you turn it into something else, something different, something not the same as it was.
In other words, he wants to turn America into something not America.
He wants to change it into something inferior, weak, ignorant, unsure, faithless, insecure, something without spirit, courage, honor, truth, ingenuity, innovation, vision, dreams, self-reliance, industriousness, justice, faith.
And he insists that I help him. We all must take responsibility, says the Magic Negro who has never taken responsibility for a single thing in his entire adult life, and who supports, and is supported by, the huge swaths of parasites among us who insist that the productive give them everything they want.
Those who have demonstrated personal responsibilty, built businesses, paid taxes, raised families with two heterosexual parents, taught values, inculcated faith, somehow, are the villians in this fools universe. And those that have chosen to live lives defined by sexual excess, drug addiction, fatherless families of criminal children, law-breaking, disdain for education...are the heroes and the victims for whom we must take ever more responsibility, on whom we must shower ever more of our hard-earned money, to whom we must give ever more of the fuits of our labor, and to whom must be given special privileges and lower standards, and equality of result, no matter how unequal their contritution or their efforts.
The American Dream becomes the Zero Dream, whose slogan is: "From the Productive to the Parasites."
The hysterical, delirious ecstasy on display by the orgasming media over this criminal fraud makes me want to put out my eyes and stab sharp sticks into my eardrums.
For a long time, I thought the parallels being made to Mussolini and Hitler were over the top. I no longer think so. This level of Cultish adoration is the historical precurser to dictatorships just like Hitler. It is what ended the Roman Republic. It is currently operating in North Korea.
This is no longer just ridiculous and embarrassing.
If something doesn't change immediately, we are seriously, literally, and not just hyperbolically, in danger of becoming a socialist/fascist dictatorship. Which I'm sure would please our new "President" right down to his Posey Toes.
Harsh? Awwww. Poor Zero.
Except, I don't have to lie.
Game on, motherfuckers.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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