Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Little Blue Book

This isn't as funny as it once might have been. But surely it was meant as a joke...

I clicked the Amazon link, wondering what hilarity it would lead me to...and found myself at what is arguably the real is possibly actually offering this for sale.

In which case it's not funny at all. (Okay, it's still funny, like when they drop the casket at a funeral and the body tumbles out.)

I note that it is "temporarily out of stock". Which might mean it was never actually "in stock", or alternatively, that it has "sold out", which is a concept entirely beyond my American mind's comprehension.

Still, this could be an elaborate hoax, prepared and perpetrated by someone as nasty as I, but a lot more clever, so I don't want to leap to conclusions.

Even imagining this could possibly be real, I am, for the moment, rendered speechless.

Let us all monitor this Amazon page, to see if this abomination actually becomes available.

The Gunslinger

hat tip to Scipio @ Return of Scipio

UPDATE: This site seems to be offering this...scanning for the right word....item, in lots of ten, so that you can give one to all your friends.

Now I've got to have one. So I can ostentatiously pull it out and quote from it whenever it seems appropriate. At dinner with Liberals, who won't have one, and thereby feel inadequate and disloyal. At drinks with Conservatives so I can watch the beer come out their noses. GS


  1. Well, President barry does think he is the most important person ever, I guess Chairman mao just can't compete anymore.

  2. If you can't wait for Amazon, go to They're available, they ship within 24 hours and you're required to buy ten so that your friends too, may become enlightened.
    Remember, "In order to master the President's ideology, it is essential to study many of the basic concepts over and over again, and it is best to memorize important statements and apply them repeatedly. Learn earnestly and diligently."
    We have a tremendous capacity for being more stupid than we thought.

  3. Yeah, I found that too...see the "UPDATE" to the post.


    This makes you wonder if he's really clever, devious, and manipulative or actually completely delusional.

    And it's soooo creepy.

  4. I don't fucking believe it. It is not a joke, they are actually selling it.
    I have just sent them an e-mail asking if the will take Mao's little red book as a trade-in.

  5. From
    POCKET OBAMA is available at quantity discounts with bulk purchase for premiums, fund-raising, gift purposes and educational or institutional use.
    I have asked all of the people I know who are involved in education to keep an eye out for this book 'infiltrating' our schools. To suggest that this is a bit disconcerting is an understatement.

  6. We HAVE to get our hands on this. I'd order it now, but I draw the line at paying for ten of them.

    This is too rich. Too sickly hilarious.

    These people are really, really tone deaf. A normal person's reaction is revulsion.

    We should do our best to publicize this little beasty...

    I could be too optimistic, but I have a feeling this is doomed to backfire, seriously, in their faces. The only way it won't is if nobody much hears about it.

    Let's get out there boys and girls, and sell, sell, sell.

  7. GS,

    I dont like to use profanity in a public forum if I can help it...



    Maybe I was being generous about the "black swan" event being only a generation away... Maybe the "Magic Negro" is the "Black Swan"


  8. I had to look up "black swan event".

    Black Swan = Magic Negro

    That's very funny, dude.
