Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Credit Where Credit is Due

Holy Crap!

EVERY. SINGLE. REPUBLICAN. MEMBER. of the House of Representatives voted against the Leftist Wet-Dream Spending Spree described as a "stimulus" package!

Okay, I'm shining up my Republican decoder ring. I'm very proud of them. The House switchboard number is 202-224-3121. They are going to get accused of being "obstructionists" and "partisan" and "divisive" by the Democrats, by Zero, by the Slobbering Media. Let's give them a friendly word.

Not such a "unifier" after all, I guess, is our boy Zero.

The Gunslinger


  1. Damn,I threw away my decoder ring last week! Thanks for the phone #.Also,re:"LeftistWetDreamSpendingSpree"...good tag,but I call it the "Lefty Reach-Around".Crude,but also appropos.Just got Amity Shlaes' "The Forgotten Man" about the Great Depression,and am currently making the expression of the figure in Munch's "The Scream"."You're doing it again,morons!" Depressing,so to speak...

  2. I bought that book a couple of months ago. I'm literally afraid to read it. I know I'll lose my mind.

    Cowardice, I know. But I can only take so much intellectual battering in any given month.

    BTW, I'm reading "Ghost" finally. I'm not crazy about his suggestion that Mike's a "rapist"... that seems a bit unfair.

    I mean, who doesn't get turned on by lots of shooting?

  3. I find a Republican minority simply voting against this piece of legislation to be a little under whelming.
    This is a nation wrecking piece of legislation that calls for a more energetic response than voting.
    For instance, why aren’t Republicans slipping amendments or inserting language (like Kennedy did with NSEERS) into this death bill calling for the de-funding of the very same programs the Democrats are trying to fund?
    Democrats want $600 million to buy and lease government plug-in and alternative fuel vehicles? How about slipping in an amendment that cancels that $600 million and hereafter requires all elected federal officials to purchase and maintain their own vehicles?
    $5 billion for public housing capital? Slip in another amendment demanding a moratorium on all funding for public housing. And so on…
    Why aren’t they demanding the legislation be read in its entirety on the House floor? That’s within their power isn’t it?
    The object is not to have those amendments passed. The object is to use whatever procedures available to stop the legislation in its tracks.
    The job of a loyal opposition is to actively oppose as in “to stand in the way of; hinder, obstruct” or “to set as an obstacle or hindrance". Not just vote.
    Republican votes, having played a significant part in creating the dangers that now confront us, will not be enough to save us.
    Their votes on this legislation were cast with an eye to their reelection. No more. No less.
    I give Republicans what they deserve; nothing.


  4. VERY good point,"dt",re:job of loyal opposition and the CYA aspects,for just the reason you mentioned.It's a time-worn tactic on the Hill,plus there's a point made that up til 2 years ago,the Reps had the position to do the job,if most of them REALLY wanted to.One could say "They snoozed,they 'losed'".And the Shlaes book is EVERY BIT WORTH READING,Gunny.You can take it.Seriously,a lotta ammo there...

  5. DT, it was going to pass, the Dems didn't need Rep votes. The Dems just want to have the Reps on board when it fails to spread the blame.

    This is a start and nothing more. At least they showed they remembered who they are finally and did not cave to Zero. . .

    the fight is on and we actually have someone in it? Who would have thought?

    Now if we can get the Senate Republicans to do the same we will really make progress.

    I will be thrilled if they derail Zero's first big push. . .

  6. dt, Nancy Pelosi shut the House Republicans completely out of the process. Republicans could not slip any amendments - or anything else into this bill.

    I think she did us a favor, actually. By doing that, Republicans had no investment in the bill, and were probably pissed off. She derailed Zero's precious cover of "bi-partisan" support for this monstrosity.

    Pelosi is learning the limits of power, even dictatorial power.

    The only thing Republicans could do was vote against. And considering the wobbliness of the GOP lately, it was quite a feat that they all, to a man, stood against this.

    Let's be thankful for small favors.

    Plus, it may give the Senate Republicans some spine. Certainly they've been given a fine example.

  7. Gunslinger-
    If Pelosi prevented Republicans from slipping anything into the bill and that bill subsequently passed, how does any of that limit her power?
    indeed. Wouldn't that give the deomcrats a tamper proof method for passing anything they want in the house?
    And B Hussein, the democrats and the left don’t care about bipartinship. That’s electioneering. They want what they want. If that means turning the US into France then so be it.
    How does a no vote from Republicans in the house stop the left from attaining its goals?
    It doesn’t.
    That said- The bill goes to committee in the senate next right? Any senator can put a hold on any bill in committee. Will any Republican senator do so, or will they simply shrug their collective shoulders and assure us that voting against it was the only thing they could do?
    I’ll be thankful when these nancy boys start fighting as if our lives were at stake.
    Because our lives are.
    I am always thankful for small favors.
    But I am all too aware that politicians do favors for no one but themselves.
    No reason for me to be thankful about that is there?

  8. The day anyone can spend their way out of bankruptcy is the day the cow jumps over the moon.

  9. dt, I take your point. I only meant that actions have consequences, and often they are unintended.

    Pelosi's power has allowed her to ram her agenda through the House. True. But it also put up the back of the Republicans, who stood unanimously against it, so none of their fingerprints are on this monstrosity.

    The unintended consequence is that it has put in sharp relief the partisan nature of the legislation and the Democrats, and it denies the Left cover when it fails.

    That's all I'm saying.

    Americans can be stupid, dense and slow. But eventually, even they notice the dead whale stinking up the room.

    Passing this atrocity is not the end, just the beginning. And without cover, the Democrats will own every consequence of it.

    Think of it as a crime. (Which of course it is.)

    The criminal can't afford to make a single mistake. The cops can make a thousand and still solve the crime...eventually.

    This bill (crime) is out there. They own it. And there is so much evidence just waiting to be exposed...we, investigators can just keep hammering at it, exposing it bit by bit, until the full scope crime is understood, and the perps exposed.

  10. ciccio...your comment created a mind picture of the Democrats cramming a cow into a cannon...

    ...aimed at the moon.
