Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Call Me "Cynic"

Christopher Orlet writes: A Necessary Wisdom for American Spectator. It's a good piece about why cynicism is good and necessary, and really means someone who sees and therefore can speak the truth...not a mean old pessimist...and I recommend reading it. But even better is the comment by Pat, quoted in part here:

"...Particularly adept at this group immersion are black urban churchgoers - so Obama has an historic sensitivity to cynics and their disruptive effects. Cynics aren't good at saying "Amen" at the right time and don't enjoy swaying in time with others, plus they tend to tell off color jokes to the choir ladies at the church breakfast. Left unchecked, a cynic can break the mood everyone is working so hard to achieve - and once the mood is broken, it's very hard to re-establish.

To a dedicated Mood Swayer, like President Obama, cynics, left to work their evil, can easily destroy the national mood and affect his chances for re-election. With our immense wealth, Americans can live within the dream state quite easily, only rarely surfacing and only if harsh reality forcibly intrudes. For our president, keeping Americans living the dream is ultimately the key to his political success."

He captures the somewhat fragile dreamlike emotional state of the ZerObots perfectly...and why, cynics, those truth-seers and truth-tellers who disturb the still waters and threaten to awaken the dreamers are so dangerous to Zero and his acolytes—and must be exiled.

It clicked as true immediately.

Readers and commenter are so dang smart!

The Gunslinger

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