Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Is Breaking Up Hard to Do??

More Separation and Secession talk from Robert Ringer.

"I believe many states would secede individually, and a number of them would work to weed out the dreaded HIV virus and return to Jeffersonian principles of government.

In other words, ideology would be the driving force behind such a breakup. Which would probably make Panarin's view accurate in some respects — e.g., on ideological grounds, it might be convenient for such states as New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maine to stick together in the Northeast, and California, Oregon, and Washington to form a coalition of some kind on the Left Coast.

To paraphrase the signers of that long-ago-forgotten document: It is the right of the people to alter or abolish the government and institute new government. It is not only their right, but their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security."

The Gunslinger


  1. well, when it happens it will be time for me to pack up my family, stuff and weapons and head south out of New England . . . I don't think I would even look back. . .

    I am not sure Vermont and NH would want to be part of things with NY and MA as they are much more reasonable than MA/NY on many rights

  2. JD. Left New England 15 years ago. Never looked back. Never been happier. Why wait?

  3. I truly wish all the talkin would stop,and the doin would start!!!!!!!!!

  4. lowandslow, I hear you, but it has to be, unfortunately desperate before enough people will be willing to do it...to make it viable.

    And starting the discussion is critical. As it becomes a possibility, even a remote one, by repetition, and continuing discussion, people will get used to the idea; it won't seem like a comletely insane notion.

    Like advertising by mail: People won't order from your first mailing...they get accustomed to your name and business after like the third one they see. Suddenly you're not a stranger anymore...they've "heard of you".

    We have to do the same thing with this. Talk about it. Float the idea repeatedly. Get people thinking about it. Best we can do right now. But it's a start.

  5. So you get Ringer's newsletter too? Birds of a feather...I think you mentioned Taranto's "Best of the Web" somewhere as well. All free, direct to your inbox.

    We do live in wonderful times--and if we muck out the stables of USG they could be even better. I seem to recall Robert Ringer writing somewhere about trading short-term pain for long-term gain, and the current financial "crisis" may represent opportunity, and not just difficulty.

  6. War...the problem is, this stupid govt won't let the "difficulty" happen. They're growing the money bubble until it explodes and takes everything out.

    A little pain is what we would have gone through with the credit disaster. Like FDR, their fixes are going to put us in a downward spiral for a decade...instead of a sharp and short recession we're heading to total disaster...hyper-inflation, monster unemployment, a serious "Greater Depression".

    I can't be sure, of course, who can, but all the signs are there. At the very least, the feds are destroying the free market, and instituting socialism on a scale unimagined just a year ago.

    When we all wake up from this binge, we'll find ourselves in a New World...a bad one. Perhaps a "Brave New World".

    That's why we have to be ready to do the unthinkable. If it comes to that, we simply cannot allow it.

    Lives, fortunes, sacred honor...and all that.
