The criminal Democrat bloodsucker toady executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be frog-marched into the hoosegow and tried like the Enron executives.
But they're not.
Because the truth is not being told. The Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party refuses to report on the facts of the case. They lie.
The evil Corporation, Enron, was a rich political target.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, spawn and playground of the Democrat Party is the people who are charged with telling the American People the Truth.
Franklin Raines, et al, with the direct aid, support, and comfort—and now, the shifting of blame!!— of the Democrat Party have enriched themselves beyond all reason and decency through fraudulent financial dealing and cooking the books in exactly the same way Enron executive did...and for the exact same reason: to personally make millions of dollars.
Criminally, and knowingly, and feloniously. At taxpayers' expense.
And they are directly implicated in the meltdown of the American Economy.
And they will get away with it. Because Big Media refuses to tell the truth.
If Big Media don't know the story, they're incurious, malfeasant and stupid. If they do, they're corrupt, criminal liars.
Pick one.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
11 months ago
No no no! Enron was not a corrupt corporation, whereas Fannie and Freddie are definitely corrupt government organizations.
ReplyDeleteNormally when I see people make that assumption I leave it alone but I like your blog and don't want you to allow that meme to continue.
Cara Ellison
To keep up with Wall Street expectations, Fannie Mae held onto more mortgages and mortgage-backed securities for investment purposes. The same practice nearly drove the company into bankruptcy in the early 1980s. Once again it was spared in 2008.
Cara....I'm willing to listen and learn...explain what you mean about Enron. They sure got bad press (not that THAT's a surprise, I suppose) if they weren't corrupt.