I didn't address this in a timely fashion, because I thought the conclusion was pretty obvious. But perhaps it should be spelled out, lest anyone think what happened was just an overblown partisan campaign non-issue.
Senator Hillary Clinton, being more concerned with her own image and importance, refused to attend an anti-Iran rally—to be staged in front of the U.N. while Iran's bloody dictator was addressing that august body—when she found out that Governor Sarah Palin was also invited.
There is only one conclusion. Defeating Republicans is more important that defeating Iran's demented and dangerous regime.
Hillary Clinton, Liberals and the Left, hate Republicans more than they hate Ahmadinejad and his band of murderers and thugs who's two most famous activities are supplying arms to those who are killing our troops in Iraq, and threatening to wipe Israel and all Jews off the map.
This is the level of maturity the Left has achieved.
I'd love to hear an argument against this conclusion by anyone who imagines even for a moment that it is not true. Almost everything the Democrats...who are now abject servants of the Left...do is what will most damage Republicans...EVEN WHEN THEIR ACTIONS WILL ALSO HARM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HER CITIZENS.
They do this because beating Republicans is more important to them than defeating evil, winning a war, supporting troops fighting for the United States, the economy, citizens' futures, citizens' health, defending the Constitution per their own oaths.
Hillary's actions utterly disqualify her for the exalted office she holds, let alone any higher office. Her priorities center on her own ambitions, her own image, her own Party and her own partisan politics—and her almost compulsive need to harm her political opponents.
And let me be clear. In this she is not alone. She is not an aberration. This is how the Left thinkS. This is a perfect reflection of their world view and their playbook. And anyone who votes for them are participants in this behavior and this choice of values and priorities.
To make a partisan political issue of an anti-Ahmadinejad rally, to effect the dis-invitation of someone else who has accepted the invitation, prepared a speech, and whose speech (in case you haven't read it) graciously acknowledged Mrs. Clinton's non-partisan understanding of the danger posed by the evil Iranian regime. (I love Sarah Palin. But boy was she wrong on that one.)
The organizers of this tepid event, including pallid Liberal Jews...are pathetic in their obsequiousness to Clinton and her puerile tantrum.
I certainly hope the survival of Israel never depends on them.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
10 months ago
It's the reason Obama still wants to debate Friday and McCain would rather go back to DC to actually try to work on the financial thing.Precious don't wanna get his wittle hands dirty,or leave any fingerprints that might lead to accountability.