Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sanity Savers

While we are being subjected to the gagging absurdity of the Democratic Convention and its nauseatingly pious self-righteousness and thinly veiled anti-Americanism, here are a couple recommendations for viewing that will help balance the experience:

Lord of the Rings
"Men of the West" bravely going to war against all odds to defend their beloved cultures and blessed freedom against an enemy whose goal is global domination of every living thing.
*The triumph of freedom over tyranny.

The Matrix

A few iconoclastic individuals, who choose the RED pill of liberty, rather than the BLUE pill of slavery and conformity...defeat the huge, centralized, controlling government of mindless bureaucrats...er...machines...that coerce total obedience, total ignorance, and total control over every facet of human lives for the benefit of the State.
*The triumph of freedom over tyranny.

The story of an enforcer of an Orwellian society that controls its population with drugs and intimidation into total compliance (execution for any citizen who dares to assert his individuality or develop his full human potential)...who awakens to the truth, joins the resistance and is instrumental in the destruction of tyranny, and the rebirth of freedom.
*The triumph of freedom over tyranny.

Dark City
The story of one man who discovers his world and all the people in it are being fooled and used by a secret "government" of cruel aliens experimenting on human beings for their own gain, without regard for their victims. His awakening begins an odyssey of discovery and salvation for himself and his world.
*The triumph of freedom over tyranny.

The DNC and their pet, Obie, would like nothing better than too convince you that they are not about Marxist control of your life from cradle to grave. But it is they who are the villains of the stories above. It is they who would control, coerce, regulate, punish, dictate, tyrannize...all in the "name" of peace and freedom.


  1. I haven't seen "Equilibrium" yet,but now it's on my list.Thanks! Only heard snippets on the web re:first night@DemonCon.WTF is the guy's WIFE making a speech for? Oh yeah,touchy-feely! Don't they realize this just inspires snickers from our country's enemies as to what a wuss this guy is,and how they can't wait to punk him if he does slither into office? My anti-dote is watching criminology docs,reading Real Life CSI memoirs,etc.You know,where a-holes end up paying for the damage they do to other peoples' lives.Unlike politics,unlike Ted Kennedy...

  2. Yep....I prefer "happy" endings too!
